Asshole Stoner... Stuffed Cat Inside Bong


Well-Known Member
AP – A homemade bong, consisting of a piece of garden hose attached to a duct-taped plexiglas box, is seen …

Did he make it just for the cat......?????? rofl! f@#k wit... your right makes us all look bad !


Well-Known Member
what the hell.. did the cat live in the bong? i dont see how it could get in and out.. and is that poop at the bottom?


Well-Known Member
thats is funny but, its also goin too far. although i will admit once i did stick one of my friends jack russel terrier's nose down into the mouth of a large pullstem bong. he left it at one of my other friends house and the goddamn thing was goin crazy. we hit the bong and filled it up and stuck his muzzle in there for like 20 seconds. after that he calmed down substantially. we fed it a meat stick and he just chilled out.


Well-Known Member
thats is funny but, its also goin too far. although i will admit once i did stick one of my friends jack russel terrier's nose down into the mouth of a large pullstem bong. he left it at one of my other friends house and the goddamn thing was goin crazy. we hit the bong and filled it up and stuck his muzzle in there for like 20 seconds. after that he calmed down substantially. we fed it a meat stick and he just chilled out.
i was in a flat a couple year ago and my mate was looking after her neighbours dog, whilst snorting some dodgy white powder. the dog jumped on the table and started sniffin and lickin it all up, thats when i went home. about 2 hours later the dog just flipped out started attacking everyone in the end they had to lock it in the bathroom and sit with there backs to the door. i went back that night and they where just sat there all night with there back against this door getting blazed.that dog has never been the same since.
just go's to show animals and drugs dont mix.


Well-Known Member
just like people it should be the animals choice.. some like it some dont..

i personally know of two dogs that when people are smoking herb, they will come up and literally put there noses right in your face and wait for you to blow it in their face and if you turn away they will still get right in your face.. once they get a little hit they go lay down and take a nap.. its really quite intriguing


Well-Known Member
just like people it should be the animals choice.. some like it some dont..

yeah i totally agree. if you take something by choice then you know what your getting yourself into but if it was slipped in your drink you would,nt know what was happening and it could freak you out if you had never felt that way before...
thing is i like smoking weed but if someone stuffed me in a bong i would be pretty pissed:fire::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Same has the prat that has a picture of a new born child with a spliff in it's mouth how are we exspected to get this plant legalised when there are the odd few that have the mental age of a goldfish f@cking moron.


Active Member
HA how do you get caught for this! I feel bad for that cat, but that guy is getting a whole lot of charges laid on his ass. that cat must've been TRIPIN.


Well-Known Member
i was their and that cat is such a fuckin pot head it crawled into that bong by itself. and the name isnt shadow its smokey and he was mad at his owner for not sharing the cron so he jammed himself into the box and waited for his owner to take a hit.............


Well-Known Member
i was their and that cat is such a fuckin pot head it crawled into that bong by itself. and the name isnt shadow its smokey and he was mad at his owner for not sharing the cron so he jammed himself into the box and waited for his owner to take a hit.............
Right dimebagdan, we believe you, right...:lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Dimebagdan, do you have a lot of dime bags?
Fuck that, you guys all do it. Turning your backs now because this guy got caught doing some dumb shit.

I don't know a pot head that doesn't get their pet high. Under a laundry basket, in a bucket, whatever, everyone does that shit.

This was quite the advanced technique for it (haha, but you fuckers all do that).

I tell my dog what to eat, when to sleep, where it has to live, when to sit, when to pee and every other little detail of it's life, but it goes WAY over line to get him high?

If you don't believe in the ownership of animals, don't own animals. Otherwise, yeah, I dictate what that fucker does and I know it's not hurting him.