Assistance Appreciated


Active Member
Ok I started this venture on Jan 15th, 2008. I started from seeds.. germinated them and put them in starter posts on 1/22/08 a week later. I started with 20 plants..due to space constrictions.. I cut it back to 9 plants total...took the best looking of the bunch.

Currently I am on a 18hr/6hr cycle, as suggested by numerous sites. I am using 2x100watt CFLs and 2x40W 4' CFL Tubes...this is what I have been using the entire time, since they were in temp pots.

I have been using an All Purpose plant food for is a 24-8-16 rating. This has been given to the plants every other day since they were transplanted into larger pots on 2/11/08 (week 4 since germination)

I have kept raising the light every week or so since I transplanted...I have now run out of pole to raise the lights...Hanging is always an option if need be. I have heard that raising the lights makes nice tall plants. they are on average now from 15" - 26" tall. They also are very green and hearty leaves,, only few brown spots are actually my fault for getting the nutrients ON the leaves rather than in the pot.. my bad.

As of this morning I now have 9 rather tall semi thick stalk plants, however they are a bit sparse on the "nodes" (hope I am using that term correctly). I am wondering if I have done something wrong, or if it is simply the strain I have.... which I have no clue what the seeds were, accept out of the last good bag I had..LOL.

I have tried to attached a few pictures hope this helps a lil. If you can inform me on anything extra to do or rather stop doing...that would be great.... I am also interested in when you think would be the best time to start flowering if possible. From the date of Potting in Larger pots I am at week #4

Hope to hear from yall soon.... :roll:> FUK <



Well-Known Member
they look pretty good - honestly - a little stretchy but they are healthy looking :leaf:

If you are flowering with CFLs you should probably start now or soon since CFLs don't have the power to properly bud a larger plant. if you are flowering with HPS, then it depends on how much room you have to flower and how quickly you want some bud. but i'm no expert so others may have better informed advice.


Active Member
Well I tried the HPS light... got it raised up to about 2.5-3 feet above the plants...and 2 fans on the plants and one on the light itself....

Well.....after about 1.5 hours I went back in to check on them and found them all slumped over, wilted, and dead from the heat.. :cuss:....I looked at the thermometer and it was an amazing 106* :fire:...they all looked like they had been crucified while strapped to a bamboo cross...:sad:

So yeah that was fun.....2 months of babying...all done and gone in 1.5 hours...

O well.. maybe next time... if there will be one.:roll:


Well-Known Member
oh boy - that happened to me once - but i raised the light and they all recovered quite nicely.

I wish you would have shared your plan - someone could have warned you to check them every 10 min. after first going under HIDs.

sorry for your loss - if you want to hear some recommendations for next time - let me know.

and honestly, if this is your first grow, you got a lot further than a lot of people.