Asthma and Weed


So hello, asthmatics and non asthmatic people! Here is a question for people with Asthma, including myself and just some insight and learning for non-asthmatic people!

When you smoke the lovely green tree and say you are having a mild or bad asthma attack. Does the THC Help? I had one day I was literally suffocating, had no medicine due to healthcare being stupid because my asthma is horrible. I rolled up 2 joints, smoked them. 10-15 minutes later after my smoke session asthma = completely gone. Other times I'll hit a bong rip it hard as hell and get blazed as can be but it'll kill me eventually. For all you asthmatics out there that love weed, what have you found to be the best method of smoking with asthma and the best way to counter it during smoke sessions? Who got sum questions for the weak lungs in here that want to know the amazing feeling of being revived by THC?