at how many watts does it become SUSPICIOUS??


Active Member
so that's the question. how many watts does it become suspicious? is there an amount? what's borderline?


Active Member
1st off pay your bills on time everytime and this should lower suspicion.

2nd Do not try to steal electricty

3rd try to limit use of other electrical equipment in the house. I.E. If you can stop using your washer and dryer and go to a laundry mat instead. A washer/dryer combo use up about the same amount of electricity as a HID light

Those have helped me. The 3rd is inconvenient but its a better alternative than getting caught.

PEace and positive energy to you



Active Member
im not sure when they start to question it but i have 4 servers right now with 400 watt power supplies in them and also a 600 watt ballast = 2,200watts and havent had any issues with the power company

edit: the servers run 24/7

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
look if your growing for a personal grow
get a 400w hps (8 - 12 oz dry yeilds)
if your growing for both personal and profit get a 1000w hps (16-32oz dry yeilds)
if this is your first time growing with hids i wouldnt go this
and over all i wouldnt go over 2000 watts untell you have time under you


Active Member
4000 watts + fans + a/c + hydro set up so about 5000 watts 12/12. for a 2 bedroom apartment... how is that???


Misguided Angel
Power companies don't care unless you aren't paying your bills. They would much rather have a paying customer.


Active Member
Some tips:

1. Make your home efficient. Go all CFLs for your personal lighting, and go with the smallest watts possible. Weatherstrip your doors and windows. A few hundred bucks and a couple hours work stopping drafts can keep your A/C from running constantly and your A/C draws HUGE wattage.

2. Go with gas appliances when possible. Gas oven, gas range, gas dryer are all about the same as their electric counterparts. Sure, a plumber now might cost you a few hundred bucks to run some new gas line, but it'll be worth it in the long run by keeping your electric bill low.

3. Typically, the total wattage of your setup should not exceed 1000 x the number of bedrooms. So for a two bedroom apartment, running a total of 2000W would not be out of the question.

4. Pay your bill on time or early, every time. Power companies don't report people until their bills get insanely high. As long as you aren't doubling the neighborhood average, you should be fine. Stealing power is the dumbest thing you can possibly do. The power company will eventually trace it out, then they'll call the cops on your ass, and they'll have a warrant to enter you home and arrest you for stealing power.


Well-Known Member
Some tips:

3. Typically, the total wattage of your setup should not exceed 1000 x the number of bedrooms. So for a two bedroom apartment, running a total of 2000W would not be out of the question.

This is very good advice. All power companies use this formula when calculating electricity usage.

4000w in a 2 bedroom apartment will probably arouse suspicions that something isnt right,

Personally i would stay below the 2000w and pay your bills on time.

Another possibility is to change your meter to a pre payment meter where you have to put credit on it to have electricity. Many growers in the UK opt for this style of meter that way the power companies very rarely check on the meters.



Active Member
they have more shit to do then just sit around and "wonder" who is growing weed. pay for bills on time every month and they wont do shit. im not saying go out and get 5000watts of light goin, but if youre just running a 1000watter, i wouldn't be worried


Well-Known Member
they have more shit to do then just sit around and "wonder" who is growing weed. pay for bills on time every month and they wont do shit. im not saying go out and get 5000watts of light goin, but if youre just running a 1000watter, i wouldn't be worried
Check his thread bro, He's wanting to run 4000w of light a few fans and AC. Each AC unit can use upto and sometimes over 3.5kwh.

this could push his hourly total to almost 10kwh per hour. Thats one hell of alot. I use around 20kwh per day total and around 9kwh of that is on my grow.



Misguided Angel
Just like I said before pay your bills and everything is gonna be fine. I have never heard of someone getting busted based on just a power bill. Stealing power on the other hand...


Active Member
Yeah, stealing power is just asking to get caught. Power companies aren't dumb, and they look for leaks in the system. There are two reasons their meter numbers don't add up:

1. Something's broken.
2. Some dipshit thief is stealing power.

On the other hand, there are TONS of reasons someone would have a high electric bill.

1. They have a hot tub
2. They do workshop work out of their garage with lots of power tools / an arc welder.
3. They like it cold in the summer and run the A/C. They like it hot in the winter and run space heaters.
4. They haven't switched over to CFLs for light.
5. They are inefficient and leave lights / computers overnight.
6. Their windows and doors aren't sealed properly, so the A/C / Heater has to run constantly.
7. They have an electric water heater.

There are a lot more reasons that I can't even think of, a grow-op by far being the rarest of all of those.


Active Member
Between the computers, tv's and consoles consistantly on at my parents house it was 6000w + we figured last year.
house was raided, not because of electricity though..

Gapped out about the 10k hottub, no idea what it used but i imagine thats 7k watts/hr + on a government operated hydro grid. No issue, as long as it's paid in time theres no problems.