at what age to pollinate a female

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I pollenate around week 3 or 4. This allows time for the seeds to ripen. This usually takes another 3 to 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
As soon as you see white hairs, you can pollinate. Your seeds may be ready before the plant is ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
are we talking autos or regulers whichever i would allow 6 weeks max for seed maturity 4 min


im into my 3rd week of 12/12 there is white hairs everywhere but no bud formation. hav a male to get pollen from and jut want to get A couple branches as hav no other seeds or sources for next go.
just wanna know when to put the pollen on.
thanks for replys so far!!!!


Well-Known Member
well you got plenty time for seed development as long as not autos they take same time to mature seeds but plant ony lives for 9 weeks they say i have one now starting to die off in week 10 that has to go to week 11 for seeds should be loaded i dusted late due to slow pistil development so i think ill dunp the smoke i doubt if it will be any good we will see

for regulers i normally wait about two weeks from when i see pistils then dust em if i want to be sur i dust a second time withen a week or so leave fans off for dusting and for 2 or 3 days

good luck