Atami Bio Bloombastic with BioBizz - dosage


Active Member
Can you help me with the Bio Bloombastic dosage, along with Biobizz fertilizers for AF plants?

I use Biobizz: BioBloom BioGrow, Acti -Vera, CalMag (half of the recommended dose of each fertilizer) and molasses (1Tbs/Gallon).
Soil - Biobizz, mixed 50/50 allmix with lightmix.
I'm not going to change fertilizers because I have a very large stock. However, I would like to add to this Bio Bloombastic.

1. When do I start adding BB? (the whole crop is 75 days)
2. At what dose to use BB?
3. Stop adding molasses when I start fertilizing BB or halve the dose?
4. Stop fertilizing BioBloom or reduce its dose to 1/4 when you start using BB?
5. Should Acti-Vera be added using half the dose of this liquid for AF? (question outside the topic on Bio Bloombastic)

  • 0,5 - 1,0 ml per 1 L of nutrient solution


  • NPK (0 - 8 - 12) (W / V)


  • Macronutrients: Nitrogen (N total) 0.11 % (of which (NH4) 0,07 % & (NO3) 0,11 %), Phosphoric Pentoxide (P2O5) 19.62 % (8,6 % P) Soluble in water, Potassium Oxide (K2O) 20.88 % (17,4 % K) Soluble in water
  • Secundary nutrients: Calcium Oxide (CaO) 0.28 % (0,20 % Ca) Soluble in water, Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 0.20 % (0,12 Mg) Soluble in water
  • Micronutrients: Iron (Fe) 1,120 % chelated with EDTA, Manganese (Mn) 0,005 %, Zink (Zn) 0,002 % and Boron (B) 0,001 %

I found this information from someone from the internet:

"Good two part nutrients with a bloom booster. But the manufacturer feed chart is way too much, at least for my plants I got nutrient burn on my first grow with this. Don't know exactly what ratio is best, but don't use more than 0.5ml/L. Better to start at 0.2ml/L and go up if the plant can handle it. "
Hey bud I just started to use it on rockwool I do 3 ml and go up from there I never use 5 ml this stuff is gold in a bottle definitely worth the $$$$$
Thank you for your reply.
I gave to AF 1ml and it was all right, only the leaves in the tops became a little purple.
On the bottle it says 1-2ml/L. Half the dose was ideal for AF. Finally, I found a decent booster.
This is not an expensive booster, it is used from the fourth week of flowering, ending two weeks before the harvest. If the plant blooms ten weeks, then you give BB only for 4-5 weeks using half the dose. I guess it doesn't come out expensive, does it? At least this booster works and you can see the effects, unlike TopMax.
What is strange about the fact that an automatic plant is ready after 75 days?
I know my plants and I know how much time they need.