Atami Wilma pipe size


Active Member
I have a 10 pot Wilma system and would like to change the stake drippers for a ring type instead for better coverage.

Can anyone tell me what mm piping I need to do a diy job?

Also I might need some T fittings for the same piping, Im not sure which ones would fit. Any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
Bump for answer.I personally was looking into this. I personally would say grab a 5/8ths hose and have a t-fitting that fits it. Install hose for pump into the MIDDLE of the "T" And a seperate 5/8ths hose onto the left side connecting to right, stab mini holes inside where you want the water to leak out and BAM Job done! xDBut if there are any other better ideas im all ears! +rep me? :P :] :] :]