Attached pics) My new setup, 2nd grow! Let me know what you think!!


Active Member
My first of ten yielded me 3 adults (I had a lighting issue in the beginning, and lost 7), two if which were male. Bastards. The one I did harvest was really weak for some reason. This time I got some AK-48, and I am doing things a lot differently.

High Nitro in the Veg stage, and low in the flowering. I used no fert last time, so I am stoked to try this time and see what yields.

The soil is a mix of bark, and strait potting soil. I layered it al before I planted and did 4 layers total. I was concerned with drainage (too much strait bark, and too little for strait potting soil.)

I read/heard of noone trying this, but the foil I have angled back up I was hoping would help the lower branchs/bud sites. Anyone think this theory will work? We shall see than.

I am currently using 3 flo's at about 700 lumens each (Thats the ONLY lights I used last time) This time, I am still using them, just to add light, and I am using two 50 watt metal halide for the veg stage which I have timed at 20 on and 4 off. I have two HPS bulbs to switch to 12/12 when I start flowering in a few weeks. I also have a small fan at the top to circulate air.

The flo's I will eventually take out all together and use for my seedlings, and my clones in another closet. I have learned so damn much, so if you dont get shit on your first grow, learn and try again!!!

Any advice on improvemens would always be helpful.

My birthday is in February, and I am buying myself tickets to the cannibus cup next year, and paying for a judges pass as well.

Im ready to bongsmilie my own grow!~!!




New Member
Tin foil is a really shitty reflector because it crinkles and the light gets dispersed in all the wrong directions, whch is why no one does it. You'd be better off using a sheet of aluminium, white visqueen plastic, mylar, or even carboard painted flat white.

And also what watt flourescent only gives off 700 lumens lol. I think even like 24 or 27 watters give off like 1800 - 2200 lumens, these aren't exact numbers since my memory is failing but they are close.

I haven't heard of anyone using bark before... I hope you broke it up and didn't just put a huge flat piece in lol.

Well good luck you'll learn through experience.


Well-Known Member
your lights are to far away your going to strech your plants... you should lower them or raise your plants cfls dont geat real hot put them a few inches away. bark is going to make your soil real acidy which isnt good. also i would use nothing before using foil i havent done it but ive read on here of people using white trash bags or the sun visiors the ones that are reflective. prob just be easier to paint everything flat white. so far so good though gl on your grow i had a question never seen mh or hps in 50w smallest ive seen is 150 do they require a ballast or can you just plug those in? just wondering because i bought the 150w ones and they still required a ballast.


Active Member
Google any lighting suppy place. The screw right into normal sockets. I think they have down to 35w on each. I am not sure of the growing quality, but the illums are there.


Active Member
Mine are 18 inch 20watt grow flos. The packaging said 700. I am just using them to support the veg. grow. The bark is just a mix with the soil. It is ground up, but just not as fine as potting soil. I used it by itself last grow and worked well.


Active Member
I would agree with everybody else and move the light closer.
put your hand above the plant and move it up to your light,
when it starts to burn your hand then that is how far away
you plant can be from the light.
but thats just my opin.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have the 55w cfl's i think maybe 65 i dont know and i keep them like 3 inchess away dont buy the cone ones like that buy the ones that are spirals


Active Member
Hmm, everyone was right about the lights, I moved them down, and fortunantly I can keep the closet door cracked to allow for better ventilation, and cooler air so my kids dont get burned. They are looking pretty strong!


Well-Known Member
if u r usng floros of any kind, u can usually put em a couple inches away with no hrm done. i kept mine (wen i used floro) 1 1/2 inches away! not EVER happened. now i use HID with wen the guy earlier said to put ur hand underneath it and if it burns its tooo close, meant if u were using. and the tim foil has GOT to go. thats gunna harm them right there. lemme read sum more into this thread a lil.....


Well-Known Member
those r 50 watt MH bulbs with no ballist?? those need to go way closer too, i guess if they werk. and do u go a fan in there????


Active Member
Hight Iaon my first grow with FLOS .plants look good but need to water right way.I do think Iamin ball park just need to get off ass more. These are work so Ican always do better. Ilove to plant a seed and watch it grow! Iam new here so please take note so when I talk like an ass forget it!


Well-Known Member
Hight Iaon my first grow with FLOS .plants look good but need to water right way.I do think Iamin ball park just need to get off ass more. These are work so Ican always do better. Ilove to plant a seed and watch it grow! Iam new here so please take note so when I talk like an ass forget it!

WOW! where r u from?:lol: