Attempting an aerocloner need advice!


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of positive things about building an aerocloner and Stinkbud a member on here had a guide to building one the only question is what kind of timer do i need that will do 1 min on 5 min off throughout the day? most digital ones you can only program 7 times a days for each day. anyone have an aerocloner that would like to put some knowledge to it or give me some advice his guide was almost 6 years ago lol im sure there is something better now.


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yeah soil cloning isnt working out for me so i wanted to use this system just enough to get some roots started and throw it in some soil then put it back under the CFL i have for cuts and seedlings. the rooting is what im having problems with idk if its my temps or the hormone but ive had 3 batchs of clones so far not 1 has took. im getting angry because its wasting time im behind now because of it.


Well-Known Member
do you shave about an inch off the bottom of the cutting? or do you just cut it off the plant and stick it in the cloner? i mean like taking the membrane off the stem so it roots faster.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bob, ill give the king cloner a try. cant hurt for 70$ and not having to waste money on expensive ass rootshooters.


Well-Known Member
I clip cutting stick in a cup water, when I get all my cuttings, I remove bottom leaves & branches, cut stem at branch nod if poss @ 45 angle,
stick in puk, pop in cloner, come back in two weeks, it really is that easy.
For me, I have found the less I mess with em, the better it works out .
As for "shaving" stem, I have shaved & not shaved, I have seen no difference ..


Well-Known Member
Thanks bob, ill give the king cloner a try. cant hurt for 70$ and not having to waste money on expensive ass rootshooters.

you can DIY for a bit less, but this unit doesn't leak, everything fits right, & under &100 with shipping it's worth it to me.

good luck BT,


Well-Known Member
Go for it, I've used pretty well every method under the sun. But from an ease of use and success rate perspective, the cloner tops them all imo. Like Bob posted, stick them in and forget about them for 2 weeks, works just as well as checking them, throwing ice bottles in, changing res water. It just seems to work no matter what you do, nothing wrong with that. Will still use other methods but if I have somewhere I can use the aero cloner that's where I clone. Haven't heard of many people going back to other methods after going aero...


Well-Known Member
actually with about the same amount of money wont get anything much better. hard part IS finding that tote that doesnt leak. and totes are expensive so this seems like a good deal and it saves a ton of space. all i need is roots lol


Well-Known Member
These are readily available, even in Canada where we pay more for everything I think I paid an average of $8 each. They seal very well and light proof as far as I've experienced with them, if you're concerned about overhead light leaks you can cut/place styrofoam on top which helps a bit with temps as well but again, you're only using it for 2 weeks at a time max (if you don't get roots in 2 weeks in aero, cut new clones because you probably don't want them anyhow).


Well-Known Member
i just purchased a king cloner 36 site so we will see how it goes ive spent more money in rootshooters the past month i could have already bought this and had clones going.


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the temperature in my room fluctuates from 75 to 82 because of my humidifier in the morning it will get the room cold because its also bring in cold air from outside, so in the mornings when im still asleep the room gets cold for a few hours (75) so i think that has a lot to do with my issues soil cloning might need to invest in a heat pad for this cloner? does the water need to stay warm?


Well-Known Member
I got the same thermometer as Bob and agree with everything hes said. My water temps are 78 consistent and clone room is 80f. Just use tap water and use ClearRez or poolshock every week and on the 3rd or 4th week empty and cycle bleach as directed by EZcloner company, also clean out sprayers cause they clog with hair or anything easily. This way you NEVER have to worry about slime or contaminations. I also do scrape bottom inch lightly just out of habit but its not needed. EZCloner is the best investment ive had in years!!!


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cloner will be here sometime this week ill post pictures whenever i get my clones going im excited tired of having 1 of maybe 20 clones root. then wasting more money on rootshooters because you cant re use them. nothing but problems with this humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
Got the cloner all setup been having to put frozen water bottles in at night but other than that after about 2 days i had these roots popping out and all the other ones are right behind them. im so happy now lol no more dirt cloning!
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