Attempting to harvest ... rain.


Active Member
Well this was supposed to be my weekend to pull everything down.

I did however notice two days ago a bit of bud rot on 2 of the 5 of my plants (different strain). I decided those had to come down asap so I removed the bud rot which was a very small amount. They have been trimmed and are drying on a screen for the past few days.

Was hoping to pull the other 3 this weekend. But its raining now, forecast calls for 3 days of rain. The room I have my pot drying in is an old shed. Its certainly not air tight and can get kind of moist in there. I have a fan going to help but im concerned it will just be too moist in there for things to dry properly.

Should I wait until the rain lets up to pull the other 3 down? (really would like them down, have some contractors coming in a week or so)

The stuff I already have drying, should I throw a heater or something in there?

Meh, fucking weather, any ideas?


Active Member
Your in a pickle there mate...
really shouldn't have grown such a large crop if you didn't have adequate area to dry. cure it after harvest...
I'd let them endure the rain, then chop when your drying condition are more suitable and, well, dry.
But if you have any area indoors, like even in your room or a closet mate i'd say spread it out, and then consolidate it all in the shed once conditions are better suiting.


Active Member
Well ive dried in there the past 3 years. Had a similar problem with rain 2 years back and things turned out fine. Just with 3 wet days coming up im a little .. well stressed about it. Probably will not chop the last 3 until it gets nicer out.

Id take the shit in my house to dry, but I have a wife/kids that make that not an option.

The good thing I have going for me is that I used a trimming machine to trim so atleast they are not still hanging on the stem. Also had 2 days of good weather so they have already dried a fair bit.

Would a small space heater help?


A space heater might just cause the relative humidity within the shed to raise; putting more moisture in the air (things in the shed are wet, added heat may evaporate the water but now it is in the air, which may already be saturated). You probably want to remove moisture from the air inside the shed, which calls for either a dehumidifier or something like DampRid. It is good to have a hygrometer around to let you know exactly how humid the air is.


Active Member
Most definitely, i use a small space heater (6,000 BTU) within a relatively close proximity of drying nugget (2-3 feet).
I look at it like this: We used to dry our herbs and spices over large fires, hung upside down. It's common place to see a drying rack over a hearth in old-colonial homes.
So drying over a heater, or in close proximity there-to, must be beneficial. At least in providing dry, warm air to speed evaporation.

A space heater might just cause the relative humidity within the shed to raise; putting more moisture in the air (things in the shed are wet, added heat may evaporate the water but now it is in the air, which may already be saturated). You probably want to remove moisture from the air inside the shed, which calls for either a dehumidifier or something like DampRid. It is good to have a hygrometer around to let you know exactly how humid the air is.
This depends on the type of heater used, as InfraRed Heating produces no additional Rh.
Try this one on for size:
This little gem just got added to our roster at my marketing firm:
Deliciously useful for curing buds. I bet that shed of yours don't cut anywhere near 500 sqFt, and for 90$ you cant beat this thing. There are many other, cheaper units too that will suffice. So long as its InfraRed.