Attic Grow


Hello all... Been reading here for the past year and figured I would finally say something.. Have learned alot here.. Although I know im still in the newbie stage, and doing things halfass, im working on improving things in the next few months.

The only space I have is in the attic, so I built a 5' x 26" x 5' flower box. Sitting on top is another box which is 3x3x3' veg box. Next to that is a small 2' x 15" x 15" that I use for drying. With the wild temps outside these boxes I have done the following. I tapped into an a/c vent for the garage that was never used. It provides all fresh air into the boxes. I added a 6" a/c duct fan to the vent and it flows directly into the larger flower box. From the flower box I have a 6" line running to the veg box with another 6"fan helping draw in the air. From there another 6" line running in to the drying box. No fan here and just another 6" hole at the end of the box. I started this last Spring and during the Summer months of extreme heat here in the south, I was able to keep the temps inside the box from 70-88deg. Avg temp was 78. Never had temps higher than 90 all summer. Actuall the warmer days in spring and fall were harder to keep cool with the a/c running less. Was not sure if I could repete this during the winter months and so far i have been able to keep the box from 60-80. Avg temp is 74..

As for lights, I have 4 42w cfl's in the veg box, and 6 42w cfl's in the flower box. Along with 2 4ft shop lights that will be next to go since I will need their outlet.

Here are a few pics of the results. I know its not huge but it sure tasted good ;)
