Attic grow..


Lets try this post again..

Been reading and learning from you folks for the past year.. I know im still in the newbie stage, still doing some things halfass, but looking to improve my set-up during the next few months.. Here is what I've got to work with..

The only space I have to work in is the attic.. Yes I know it's harder to grow there but it's my only choice.. So far I have a 5' x 26" x 5' flower box, a 3' x 3' x 3' veg box and finally a 24" x 15" x 15" drying box. Sure the attic gets to 110 in the summer and 32 in the winter, but here is what I have done to remedy that. I have an a/c line for the garage that was never used, so I redirected the 6" a/c line (downstairs unit for the house) and attached a 6" in-line duct fan to the flower box. This is my main source of fresh air to my whole system.. from there I have another 6" line coming from the flower box and headed to the veg box. Again another 6" duct fan is attached to the line as it enters the veg box. From here another 6" line heading to the drying box. No fan here but at the other end of the drying box is a 6" hole for the air to pass thru.

As far as lights, I'm using cfl's from 26-42w. 4 in the veg box and 6 in the flower box along with 2 4ft shop lights that will be the first to go once I need their outlets. The temps in the boxes thru the summer months ranged from 70 to 90 with an avg temp of 78. Temps never got above 90 the entire summer. Actually late spring and early fall were my hardest times to control temps when the house a/c units were not running as hard. Was not sure how the colder months would work but so far so good. Temp range has been from 60-85 with avg temps around 75.. As long as I was'nt blowing hot air directly at the plants all has been good so far. Here are a few pics from the past couple months..

Thats it for now. Will try to take a few more pics later today. Maybe some of the drying box in action ;)

Enjoy !!


Well-Known Member
Looking excellant my friend!!! Can i suggest something? Get yourself a son agro 430 watt hps and watch em explode! I have used a son agro 430 to grow out one plant about a decade ago, and it was Unbelievable,and so dam chunky. Ill add the picture for you to see. If you decide to go this route, make sure you buy the son agro 430, and not just an everyday 400 watter. The electricity bill will be cheap, and you will be the happiest guy around. Keep up the great work, and keep researching, and prefecting your grow. I can tell your a true greenthumb :) Here is the picture of the Plant grown under 430 watts. Peace, my friend :bigjoint:



I wish I could use something like that. I am limited on space and height. My box is only 5' tall and I would need a taller box in order to use an HPS.. Need more distance from the plant. Plus I do have the concern of temps in the box during the warmer months.. Believe me i've been trying to figure out a way to go HPS.. I even thought about adding a 2nd a/c line, tapped from the upstairs unit, which usually runs more than the downstairs unit. So I could have the boxes running really cool in the summer. Or maybe use one just to cool down the light w some sort of cool box. What is the limit distance wise between the 400w and the tops of the plants??


Are you in my attic? I tried to grow in my attic and couldn't get a handle on the temperature fluctuations, no a/c or heating unit, so I had to move the operation. Yours looks great though, nice job. What do you do about water? Do you take them to a source or haul in water?


I haul the water up to them in gallon jugs. Then if I have room I have been leaving them in the flower box just so they wont freeze, or atleast keep them room temp. Your right the attic grow would never work without the use of a/c and heat. Its in the teens for the next week and it's been a nice 75 deg in there lights on or off.. Humidity is around 40%...