Attitude average time to deliver?


Active Member
First time I have ever ordered beans and I was curious from some more experienced players out there what the average time delivery takes to get to the states?

Not impatient just curious as to how long I have to get the too get the room and everything setup.



Well-Known Member
i was wondering the same thing but then i went and browsed around the seedbank review part of the forums.


Active Member
Didn't even realize there was that section here my apologizes, miss a ton when browsing on an iPhone!!! Thanks for the quick responses.
i so feel ya there. i just put in an order myself through attitude yesterday. already shipped out today. got three dif tracking links so i can track in the uk also. best experience ive had yet with a seed company. dont forget to add 420 in for your code. get 10% off thx to rollitup.


Well-Known Member
I have ordered from the Tude and only the Tude for the last 3 years and several times a year. My average time was 7-10 days here in Oregon. One time I had no package so I waited for the 20 days they ask you to wait, then contacted Raechel and she got back to me the next day and fixed it all with a bonus and I had them in 5 days.


Well-Known Member
I have ordered from Attitude 3x now and each time it has taken 2 weeks to get here. Not a big deal, but just to let you know that sometimes it takes longer than you think.


Well-Known Member
ide say anywhere from 1-5weeks...that overseas shippings/customs/attitudes overflow of customers seem to really fuck with the shipping times. i always go guarantee just incase. ive herd horror stories as well as great reviews on attitude shipping. its a real crap shoot these days, just dont harass them after like 10days bc it can take a while


Attitude is great got my seeds in six days on the east coast and the customer service is awesome. I placed my order during one of their big promos and even though my payment didn't go through 'til 2 weeks later they still hooked me up with all the freebies. Good peeps over there.


Active Member
What's up..I'm in southern Cali I order my beans and three weeks later I get a package with bubble wrap..good luck..