Attitude Review


Active Member
Recently received my third order from Attitude. I had my friend pick up my mail when I was at work, because I didn't want the seeds sitting out in the heat. I asked him if there was a green sticker on it and he said replied "yeah". I was worried... I've read many forum posts with US customs seizing peoples seeds and leaving green tape on the seal. When I got home I immediately went to check out the package. There was a green sticker on it saying that it went through customs. I examined the package closer and realized they opened the package! After opening the package I was surprised, relieved, and excited. The seeds were there! Either US customs didn't do a great job of checking my package or maybe the person who did was a fellow cannabis supporter himself. Either way, I'm happy :) Close call though... May my luck spread to you future seed customers xD

Order placed 8/10/15 >>> Order received 8/19/15 (pretty solid international shipping time)

Over a 9 yr period:
3/3 with ordering from Attitude
1/1 with ordering from SpeedySeedz
0/1 with ordering from DrChronic (seized by customs)
2/2 with ordering from >>I Forget their name, but they don't sell anymore<<


Active Member
I've always done the t-shirt method. The only time my package was seized was through a regular bubblewrap envelope (no clothes) from DrChronic.


Well-Known Member
I've had good luck with them until I tried making my last order.

Their CC processing is pretty bad now. I tried the methods they listed on
their site to complete my transaction to no avail.

I'm not interested in jumping through hoops to give people my money, if they want it they will sort out their system but this time it's too late. They miss out on a $200 order and I've moved on to different banks.