Attitude Rocklock Fem grow


halo all, id firstly like to ask if anyone has grown this strain befor? because there aint much info on this strain...ive googled it over and over with no succes.:cry: any info on this strain would help me alot.

anyhow what i have going on at the moment is: im veging with 78watt 6500k(planing on flowering with 250watt hps) at the moment still adding as it grows on. my soil is only mixed with bonemeal for the mean while...its seems like its working gr8.

shes bout 2weeks old and i replanted her into a larger pot(2 days ago)...she seems to be doing fine now...had a bit of stress after replanting. i have a few pics of her. sorry bout the quality of the photos.



Well-Known Member
havent grown it myself but i hear rocklock is some good shit... i mean with a name like that how the fuck can it not be? ;)


lol i agree. thanx for posting something. . .and i sure dont hope i fuck up. but shes kinda droopy today, is that just the transplant i did?


Well-Known Member
Thats is probaly just the transplant. You can go to walmart and buy a little bottle of Super Thrive and itll snap right out of it or go to a hydro shop and get thrive alive both are great for stressed plants. You could also do nothing and itll still come allright withina week or so.
Also, i have only heard good things from that strain
Hope this helps


Thanx bigbude cool of you to stop by...unfortunatly i dont live in the states we dnt have a walmart. we call ours pick n pay or trade centre lol. thanx anyway man.


Well-Known Member
lol i agree. thanx for posting something. . .and i sure dont hope i fuck up. but shes kinda droopy today, is that just the transplant i did?
ull do fine here is a funny read i found it reminded me so MUCH of how i was on my first grow and from the post many others. just remember ur growing a weed, keep it simple this is supposed to be a good experiance not something you stress over the whole time, oh and droopy leaves usualy means over watering, but could also be cuz the transplant ;) anyways heres the link kinda long but hella funny
I am growing 4 weeks in flowering, my leaves are hella yellow
thats because flowering nutes contain lil to no N (nitrogen) hit it with some veg nutes. lots of people let their plants yellow off while they flower i used to but now i just hit them with like 1/4 str veg nutes on my non feeding waterings and for the most part they green all the way till the end. but yeah that happens when you switch to flowering nutes GL


lmfao!!! Very funny link delux83. i wanted to ask you...the new leaves are browning on the tips, only on the new leaves not any of the bottom leaves. could you maybe have an idea what myt be causing this? i have a wild guess its over watering plus transplant stress. thanx for that link btw, i realy had a bad day til i read that.:-) lol


Well-Known Member
go to the plant problem section there are certain deffencies that affect new growth and some old growth i could look it up for u but i just got off work if you dont figure it out ill look it up tomorrow but ill tell you who a good person to ask is his name is riddleme thats who i go to with all my problems he has a noob help thread he answeres Q's like that all day search for riddleme ;)