AU Guerilla Grow


This will be my first serious attempt at growing. I've dabbled over the last few months but nothing too serious... It's not ideal for me to grow indoors at the moment, however I've got access to some secluded areas, I prefer organic grown & it's a nice time of year so I thought I'd put things into place for a guerilla grow.

I'll have few different strains going, both fem. & standard seeds. Within this side of Australia it's almost mythic hearing of someone come across strain specific green so regardless what I may yield, it's going to be an experience.

I've chosen areas for 3 plots, each with 4 plants... Basically, bushland which can only be accessed through private property (ie: not a national park, no trails/sights or reason for people to be walking around). I've setup a basic gravity fed drip system which revolves around a battery powered-low pressure tap timer, it actually works so I'm pretty happy with how things have panned out so far. Holes are dug to accommodate about 70ltrs of soil, plants will receive a solid few hours of direct sunlight each day, and are reacting fine at the moment, there is more shade than I'd have anticipated but really, the Australian summer will be relentless and discretion is the priority so I'll write it off and hope for the best.

Everything was started from seed, initially inside under a 130w CFL though they really took off outside. They were put in the ground quite early (some still seedlings which I know isn't ideal), but I can't be holding so much stuff in my house (if for anything, to calm my paranoia) and it's working, so fuck it... Plot 1 was setup about 3 weeks ago, 1 WW, 1 Master Kush, 1 Lemon Skunk (fem), 1 Purple Power (fem)... Plot 2 just setup and has 1 WW (fem), PP (fem), 1 LS (fem) and 1 Critical+... Plot 3 will be 2 NL5 x Haze Mist (fem) and 2 Train Wreck (fem).

Plot 1

Plot 2

Idea of size when planted.


Soil for 2 plants

2 weeks progress (WW)

My forte.


I will probably update this after doing my weekly trips... The main reason for setting up a log is for any help/advice/criticism etc, it's all appreciated.


Well-Known Member
good shit mate looks like you everything settled, keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine, If you are QLD (though I don't see any rain clouds so probably not) your shit will not be found, the cops atm do not have a helicopter so no loose lips no sunken ships, also summer is 14.5hrs of daylight and crazy heat even plants in the shade get more light then you'd expect you'll be fine plus the summer sun is directly overhead and most of the area that is currently shade wont be adding a few more hours of direct sunlight.

Feel free to pop into this thread an give us updates and generally meet some other Aussie growers.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Looking good and you seem to have the rabbit protection organised.
Years ago I grew some huge plants in an area with far less direct light.
Eucalypts let a lot of light through to the ground due to the way their leaves hang, your plants will be very happy.
What part of OZ are you in, the eastern states are expecting a lot more rain this season - here in Brizzy we have had enough already ... it can fuck off now thanks :-)


Cheers guys, I'm in WA. Helicopters might go overhead during a bush fire but hopefully that's all (not to say there isn't some nervousness nagging at the back of my mind)... There's probably not going to be any decent amount of rain, but I've got the drip system running 2 times during the week and they get a solid watering on the weekend (additional water crystals & heavy layer of mulch)... As stereo-typical as it sounds, my concern will be kangaroos. All plants are topped to stay slightly lower/bushier, but once they get over the 900mm mesh I envision a kangaroo leaning in & having a munch. Been dousing the area with a garlic/chili/egg/milk mix as a deterrent.


Active Member
By the look of the surounding bush I'm guessing this would be around southern WA, a consideration might be: Mulch brings bugs, bugs attract lizards, lizards like seedlings and new growing leaves and shoots too.
the Kanagroo is more likely to damage the plants but stomping than eating but to repel them maybe you can take your dog there and let him pee around the place.

In the north there are little ones called Euros that eat crops at night when they come out, dog piss keeps them away as the scent of a predator is scary to them, but dingo piss is best.
You get the dingos in by lureing them with old carcasses and bones etc, this in fact is repugnant to the roos as well (old carcasses). Just keep 'em anout 50 meteres away from your garden in the North South East West.

Unfortunately the biggest atraction is going to be the water unless there's a natural supply around the place somewhere else, only thing to do there is physicall water them yourself instead of unsupervised watering but I guess that's not an option.

Another thing that will lure curious critters is the mesh, I reckon you'd be better off bulding a 'fence/barrier' with sticks and branches or at least use these to camoflage the mesh, wombats will love the green stuff so you need a barrier. You got wombats down there ?

Lastly, the biggest problem with WA is that there's too many western Australians there, just kidding mate. I'm going to follow your journal and I look forward to learning your techniques.

one Love, Peace to Ya.

P.S - Skippy is a Pot Head.


Maybe more North/East... I considered the issue of water attracting animals but in terms of guerilla growing it all seems to be compromises to what is ideal.. From what I remember, I'm using 10mm mesh and Plot #1 has gutter mesh around the bottom fencing (which is about 5mm spacing), it's going to be difficult for anything to penetrate... As far as wildlife goes: Rabbits, Bobtails, Emus & Kangaroos plus the occasional Goanna, Snake or Echidna (but no Wombats). With insects, sincerely all I've noticed as Flies and Ticks. Bottling piss & emptying the cats litter tray will be the last measure if there are issues (the stench of garlic/chili/eggs/milk rotting in the sun seems to be a universal animal repellent, after experiencing it I can understand why heh)... Will definitely put in more effort camouflaging things on the next trip, cheers for dropping in mate.


Everything's coming along great so far, the White Widow and Master Kush are both doubling in size each week (I'm assuming these will end up monsters, lets hope they're female)... The first Lemon Skunk & Purple Power were barely past the seedling stage when put in, they're starting to veg and have doubled in size.

The irrigation is holding up fine, no evidence of pests. So far, so good... Bit concerned about the 2nd plot and the shade, it seems like the plants might be stretching. Except for the Purple Power, they are still seedlings but I'll check on them next week and if there are any issues I'll dig them up and put them in a slightly more open area.

White Widow
White Widow.jpg

Master Kush
Master Kush.jpg

Purple Power (Plot 1)
Purple Power.jpg

Lemon Skunk
Lemon Skunk.jpg

Purple Power (Plot 2)
Purple Power P2.jpg

The same Purple Power (Plot 2) - Stretching, worth moving?
Purple Power P2 Stretch.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking very nice mate, the location is beautiful, i wish i had a place like that to grow outdoors, im tuned in :joint:


The shrooms are cultivated... I'm working on strain isolation at the moment, almost ready to transfer from agar to grain & organise a master culture. Hopefully greater yields over summer.

The irrigation is run from a low pressure/gravity fed, battery operated tap timer... I have 20-60ltr reservoirs which is enough to provide the pressure, going through a 4-way tap splitter into standard pvc pipe with 2 drip connectors at each stem. The dripper packs mention 2lts an hour. I give them a solid watering each week so I set the timer to 20 mins every 2 days which is more so useful to keep the top soil moist (rather than a legitimate watering), otherwise some insurance if I can't make it out to the plot if something comes up.

Should be along the lines of this:


Everything's running as usual. I'll have to organise some new fencing around the bigger plants hopefully for next week and should maybe feed them with some fertilizer, but they're all healthy except for a few minor bug marks on the lower shitty leaves. The seedlings in Plot 2 are pretty slow but should hopefully come around.

White Widow
White Widow.jpg

Purple Power (noticed a few pre-flowers on this one)
Purple P1.jpg

Master Kush
Master Kush.jpg

Lemon Skunk
Lemon Skunk.jpg

Purple Power (plot 2)
Purple P2.jpg

Seedling in Plot 2, topped.


The initial plot is taking off, everything is vegging as expected... Hit them with some fertilizer for the first time so hopefully this helps things along even more. There are a few bug issues which I may have to take care of... New fencing was put up so hopefully it's relatively smooth sailing from here. The White Widow & Kush are progressing at a stable rate, the Lemon Skunk went crazy and is almost caught up (doubling in size this week)... The Purple Power is left behind but started flowering which is weird, but it's a long season and I can't complain about harvesting a small amount of bud early.

Next 4 plants (NL5 x Haze Mist and Trainwreck) hopefully go in next week (or maybe the week after, at least getting holes organised).

White Widow (gallon jug for comparison)
White Widow P1 1.JPG
White Widow P1 2.JPG

Master Kush
Master Kush.JPG

Lemon Skunk
Lemon 1.JPG

Purple Power
Purple P1 1.JPG
Purple P1 2.JPG

The 2nd plot isn't doing well at all, the only real progression is the Purple Power which has been stretching and, strange enough, just started to flower(?). I don't have much hope for anything here but I'll see how it pans out.

Purple Power (stretch)
Purple P2 1.JPG
Purple P2.JPG
Starting to flower...
Purple P2 2.JPG


I'm between setups mushroom wise, can't seem to find any pictures on the computer but I'll throw in some random documentation of what I'm working on while the thread progresses... At the moment it's all strain isolation, a lot of petri dishes & grain jars, nothing too aesthetically interesting.


Active Member
Shrooms for the boys!
I do believe it's unanimous, however I did come across a different site dedicated to shrooms, much like this one is dedicated to the herb.
anyway, looking forward to your next update. I've some news on mine coming up tomorrow ; -)

One Love,
