Aurora Indica wow only ten days old


Well-Known Member
This is an Aurora Indica fem. seedling, and its only ten days old! Wow look at all the roots! I have this one in an aeroponic drip system and its at least two times bigger than the same strain started in a soil-less mix! I'm just blown away on how much faster it is in hydro! I love it, now I'm hooked LOL



Well-Known Member
This is an Aurora Indica fem. seedling, and its only ten days old! Wow look at all the roots! I have this one in an aeroponic drip system and its at least two times bigger than the same strain started in a soil-less mix! I'm just blown away on how much faster it is in hydro! I love it, now I'm hooked LOL
aero drip? how does that work?.. aeroponic usus sprayers
Oh and good work on the AI


Well-Known Member
I'm using a homemade ten gal tote drip system system with two 4" bar type air stones. So I call it aeroponic drip system, maybe its not though. Its working great though What ever its called ! LOL


Well-Known Member
I'm using a homemade ten gal tote drip system system with two 4" bar type air stones. So I call it aeroponic drip system, maybe its not though. Its working great though What ever its called ! LOL
it cetainly is dude:bigjoint: wot cycle are ur drippers on?


Well-Known Member
I've been running my dippers 24/7. However I have heard about some people running them only 3 times a day for a hour each time. I don't know if I should do that or not though. I'm open for suggestions on that matter !


Well-Known Member
I've been running my dippers 24/7. However I have heard about some people running them only 3 times a day for a hour each time. I don't know if I should do that or not though. I'm open for suggestions on that matter !
yeh ive never used a drip system man but someone else may know.. but 24/7 seems to be working fine..
Its just the air to water ratio that u want to get right, the more air the roots have access to the better, u only need to water enough to keep ur roots moist and so they can uptake their nutes..
Using hydroton then u'd need to water more often then using like rockwool etc..