Aussie Outdoor Grow


Active Member
HI guys I am 3 weeks into flowering with my plants. One of my plants has about 9 or 10 colas. Questions are are the buds going to be small? Will it be good smoke? In amongst the furry bits there are small pod like things. Is this just new parts of the bud growing? I squeezed one and it is all juicy inside. Does anyone have photos of what a plant like this should look like at this stage of flowering. This particular plant is way ahead of my other plants. Will try and post some pics.


Well-Known Member
post some pics dude it will help alot

ur colas will grow and thicken out alot, im in WA and doing my first grow aswell, one of my plants is way infront of the others and i think only has about 2 or so weeks left if that.

during the last 2 weeks it has developed some juicy stinky delicious buds and i have to stop myself from taking a bite....

im guessing u got ur seeds from a bag of weed? thats what mine are and i think itll turn out good



Well-Known Member
pics would help but most bag seed ive found here in oz has turned out good lovin the sun here, where else, where else, where else but queensland! lol


Active Member
These were seeds from local jut they call it,its mainly leaves in there and e doesnt get me high ive heard of purple plants,i used wonder grow and planted in the maize fields in tyres.wat is th
is purple phenomenon?


Active Member
These were seeds from local jut they call it,its mainly leaves in there and e doesnt get me high ive heard of purple plants,i used wonder grow and planted in the maize fields in tyres.wat is th
is purple phenomenon?