Aussie outdoor, guerrilla style, Blue OG & AKxWW

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
So this is the start of what is hopefully a good growing season :leaf::leaf:
I ordered my seeds from attitude, in august heaps of time for me to receive them for this years southern hemisphere outdoor season 2013, I live in Tasmania btw, a small island off the bottom of Australia. My original seed order was 5x barneys farm g13 haze, 2x green house super silver haze, 3x world of seeds afghan kush x white widow and 5x g13 labs blue OG, I was planning on doing the G13 haze, SS haze and AKxWW but by October my seeds hadn’t arrived and I had to got them reshipped and got them by the 28/10, paying extra for insurance, definitely recommended haha , so im a month behind in the season and im just going to do 8 indica dom plants so the blue OG and AKxWW
As of the 30/10 I have finished setting up the grow sites (2x4 plants) with 50L pots and all my soil and amendments out there, growing in 60% potting soil, 15% organic soil improver(compost blood n bone etc), 25% coco coir/perlite, It was alot of work hauling it all out there so hopefully giving them enough root space and good soil I’ll see some decent yields, this is my 2nd grow but first proper attempt at growing
Germinating the seeds in wet paper towel till they pop then sprouting them in coco/perlite mix.
They sprouted today (31/10) and have been transferred into mini pots of coco/perlite mix. I had a chat with the guy who runs the local hydro shop when I bought the coco and perlite, he knows his stuff, and said to start the seeds in that mix, I was a little skeptical, but the mix is so light im guessing it will be much easier for root growth/ sprouting, I guess we’ll see haha
I'll post some more photo's and update once they have all sprouted


Well-Known Member
Wicked mate good luck hey :D
I'm doing a blue og outside this year too, hanging to try it after seeing Kiwi's thread! Hope you dont get any frosts, we're still getting some random frosts here :(

I see you're in Tassie too, beautiful part of the country down there, i visit frequently :) nice work getting the beans past quarantine too, their dogs pick up EVERYTHING lol.

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Haha yeah, tasmania is the best place to grow though, low population density lots of hills and bush :)
The only trouble im facing is whether to just use cheap general gardening nutriens or whether to invest in some cannabis specific ones, i was thinking Rock supercharge root tonic, and Rock grow. just entry level ones, no advanced nutrients or anything, idea's anyone?


Well-Known Member
You can get away with just using slow release mate, ive used all sorts on different outdoor grows and the osmocote stuff works just as well as any others. I usually switch to greendream flowering nutes and some sulfate of potash when they start to bud. Keep it simple man and you wont have to visit the site as much so more likely to get away with it ;)

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Yeah I decided to go organic with my grow, not super organic just mixed in some dolomite lime and blood n bone. It rained super heavy for like 4 days after I mixed it which is good haha :)
Seedlings are about a week old now. Still in the perlite coco mix and looking well. Gave them a very dilute solution of seaweed fertaliser. Just to give them a few micro nutrients.
I also decided to set up another grow area. The 5x g13 haze and 2x super silver haze. Again 50L pots. 2/5 soil, 2/5 compost, 1/5 perlite. And the same ammendments added. Will have pics once I get it up and running. But for now; peace



Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Hope we get some decent weather now, these last few weeks have been shit to say the least...bring on the heat lol

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
So ive got my seedlings for my other spot now, i decided to use rapid rooter plugs this time around for the seedlings, try a few different things see what i like. these are really good though, definitely recommend them, just pop the seed in there are it will germ easy, i used pre germed seeds from a paper towel and dont recommend using this method as its too hard with trying to bury the root in the cube, its made out of peat moss and has light nutrients, enough for the first week, so you just dunk it in water and soak it, as long as theres drainage it cant be too wet.
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i accidently left the tray in my room a day too long and the seeds stretched heaps trying to find light, no biggy though, i can just bury the cube in soil in a few days just a few cm down to shorten those stems. but apart from that all going well except for 1 seed being a dud, wont germ no matter what i try
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So the 2 week old seedling went out to their final growing spot, they had started growing their third set of leaves, and are strong enough to be out on their own, plus they had only been growing in coco/perlite and needed some nutrients. the are now in 50l pots. i couldnt transplant them into the pots because the coco/perlite would fall apart straight away, so i cut the bottoms out of the soda cans they were growing in (improvised cheap pots) with a sharp knife and then put the whole can in a hole in the soil, viola, the roots will now all grow out the bottom, i did put a layer of just potting soil down first because my soil mix might be a bit hot for the seedlings. All 8 had roots at the bottom of the can which is a good sign.
Then just a few bucks worth of chicken wire to keep the local wildlife off them, cause theres nothing a wallaby loves more that a juicy little seedling

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Now the seedling are a week old and had the cubes transplanted into soil about 4 days ago, 1 super silver haze and 4 g13 haze, i have another SS haze but its stunted and wont really grow, i think the root is gone, i'll put up a pic, but the g13's have done really well, theyve shown pretty good growth compared to the others, and its been really overcast too
We've had about a week straight of overcast and raining, its been the wettest start to the season here is decades, so i havent had to go water my first site yet, and it will be doing some good for the pots full of soil out at the second spot for these bad boys, i'll update with some pics next week, btw can anyone tell me if this seedlings a lost cause, cbf wasting my time on it, thinking of planting a feminised freebie


Active Member
I wouldn't say its a lost cause untill its dead but it might be time wasting. The root looks pretty damaged but then again it could bounce back and become your best plant. Me personally I would plant another seed just incase and if this one survives you can always put 1 of the 2 in a smaller pot on one of your sites.

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Just FYI for anyone reading this later, yes the root will re establish itself within a couple of days, but it doesnt matter in the end cause it got chomped by a caterpillar or something.
So heres an update of where im at, the Afghan kush x white widows and the Bllue OG are still very small, they have done barely any growing ssince i transplanted them, and leaves are slightly yellow, im guessing this is due to the majority of the rootball being in the coco/perlite mix, and not getting muuch nutrients, so im going to give them a feed with some general gardening nutrients, low strength mix of nitrogen based fert, and some seaweed extract to promote root growth.
The G13's and Silver haze on the other hand are doing quite well, unfortunately i had a setback with a caterpillar getting 2 seedlings so i have just started 2 more :/
The seedlings are about a month old and looking very good, the small one is the silver haze, the bigger ones g13, they seem like its got some good genetics, i will transplant these out after the two new seedlings are big enough to deal by themselves. for now peace, i'll upload some pics from the RIU app on my phone, soo much easier. PEACE


Well-Known Member
They're looking good man! You'll want to get them in the ground or bigger pots soon dude, thr longest day of the year is next week so they will start to flower in the next few weeks ;)


New Member
Here in oz its the otherway around eastcost :)

Most people normally plant for outdoors around august and harvest accordingly.

Our weather patterns are back to front of most of the world lol

Btw no reply for over 2 months OZ, you still with us?

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Yeah still here guys, but a few plants less than last time haha. I was just cruising through veg, everyoene knows what that looks like and the plants were doing fine, until the 5 blue OG and the 3 AfghanxWW got eaten by wallabies :wall: I got a bit too over confident when the plants were a foot high and took down the chicken wire, thinking that they'd only chomp a few leaves but fuaaaark no they took those, and at my other site topped two g13 hazes for me, they took about 2 nodes off the top but the plants have bounced back, so this is my only location which only has 4 g13 1 silver haze, all doing quite well, will post some pics up, also have 2 smaller seedling about 8" tall ready to go out.
I found these cool collapsable 20L jerry cans, i carry one in my backpack and the other is my arms (has two handles) when i visit so they can get lots of water, im giving them about 3L each 3x a fortnight, its really great to see them each visiti and see how much they have grown. For now Peace. I'll put up the pics soon

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Here are some pics I took today. Also there is a picture of the 20l water containers with seasol power feed. High strength but they love it. Definately recommended as a cheap outdoor veg nute. The small skinny one is a Blue OG I managed to save, it was originally a stalk with two smaller leaves. And I finally put out the 2 other seedlings.

