Auto AK47 and random bagseeds almost ready


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I am really excited as this is my first real grow. I felt a bud and it was rock solid, I can't wait to see what it is like dried and cured. I have the front runner in 24 hours of dark right now before I snip and hang her. I've kept a photo journal of the grow, but I have yet to post it. I used Happy Frog soil, FF nutes, 400W MH veg., 1000W HPS flower, and CO2 for half of the flowering period. I'm hoping I got some killer to blaze with my girl.


Well-Known Member
Final day of life for my first Auto AK47. I waited as long as I could to harvest her because she just flowered so damn fast. Today is 60 days from seed and I chop tomorrow night in the dark. The other picture is a better view of the grow area and a few of the bagseed plants are pictured also.



Well-Known Member
These are the autos at 63 days from seed, but are ready to be chopped anytime. I am waiting a day, then 24 hours darkness for the three that are turning yellow. The others are bagseed at 38 days flowering, but had shorter veg times.




hey nice looking does the 24hrs of darkness go for you does it improve your nugget


Well-Known Member
Yes, I started from seed. I don't quite remember where I got them from, but the seeds were an official lowlife packet of 10. 8 of 10 germinated, 7 of 10 survived to plant, and 4 of those 7 were females. As for the 24 hours of darkness, well that turned into 72 hours of darkness before I cut and hung. I sampled a bud, and it wasn't even that harsh, but oh my god it blew my mind. Very nice buzz, kind of heady makes me want to let the others go just a bit longer, but I think the 24 hours minimum of dark helps to filter out some of the tiger bloom and big bud leftover from the last feeding. I flushed a week before this harvest, and what looks to be 2 weeks before the others.

As for the nutrient schedule, I went by the guidelines, but cut the number of feeding times in half, with equal non-nutrient waterings(just plain water every other feeding), and half the recommended concentration. For the bagseeds I am just letting them have it a little more concentrated as I don't believe my drainage is as good as it should be. These guys really hardly need much watering or nutrients as it is a very resilient strain, but they obviously benefit from them.


Well-Known Member
What was the final outcome of your harvest? Smoke test?
This harvest was pretty good for the bagseed. I think I pulled a bit early, because the high was really heady and hardly any couch lock at all. It is an energetic high and my girl loves me to blaze this way more than any other that I have had because I just sit there and have deep deep convo out on the balcony with her for hours. This is the kind of stuff I like to blaze before I go out to the club or something. I wasn't doing clones back when I had these going so I don't have any to repeat, but now I have blueberry on deck and those are doing well. I just switched from all organic soil to now a perpetual harvest hydro ebb flow with gen hydroponics 3 part. I am excited and just now growing out my mothers. I have taken a few clones already, but I eventually want to take huge clones like Al B Fuct, veg for another two weeks after they have rooted and do two trays harvest every 4 wks. With 7-8 mothers I'll take like 20-25 clones a snap. I'm excited.


Active Member
hi busta you done well man is it possible to clone an auto?i heard that because of the low veg state it wasnt possible,be great if you could,happy growing.


Well-Known Member
I ordered 10 auto ak 47 seeds from att. still waiting on them and I went to the nearest grow shop and bought rockwool cubes to start them in and ocean fox farm soil and the trio pack of fox farm nuts for it. I could use some help on the nts and how u did it. I'll be using CFLS for mine. im just testing out a bagseed right now till my auto ak 47 seeds get here. nice grow. how was the smoke of it and weight of it? how tall did they get?