auto flower corn field grow

harry coxz69

New Member
how would you fellas think this would work? the plants would be started inside for a month and will remain outside for the other two
I live on a corn farm in kern county think they would hide well from our nosy neighbors

seeds will be blue mammoth
grown with general organic nutes
and Fox farm ocean forest from seed


Well-Known Member
I think yhe corn would outgrow the autos quickly blocking light, autos in general struggle outdoors and tend to stall with the smallest amount of stress


Well-Known Member
They probably won't make it a month inside without flowering. I started my autos inside last year, and let them sit for two weeks in the veg room. Just big enough so they wouldn't get downed or something like that. Then, they went outside, but instead of transplanting them into the ground, they went into an identical container that had been Swiss cheesed. I drilled a bunch of big holes in it so the roots would be able to grow into the ground around the plant without much stress. I would say it worked pretty good. I left the container in the dirt when I harvested, because it was so rooted in. Should slide right out in a few weeks.

Also, I don't know much about corn, but like the guy up there said, it might be crowded for light. Maybe you could train both sides of a row to grow like a "V" shape, then have the plants in the middle? Might keep the neighbors away, as long as they aren't in the sky lol.


Well-Known Member
The'll probably get drowned out by the corn during flowering. Slap them on the outskirts of the corn so they can get good light. If you want some killer veg time growth then leave them outside during the day and stick them under lights at night while they're small if your situation permits. You also won't have any issues with them getting stressed out when they're actually under the sun. They'll be hardened off already.

harry coxz69

New Member
thanks a bunch for the info, it might be possible to keep them on the edge of our property, but what I've learned about this plant I'd finished under 3.5 ft