Auto flower or not?


Active Member
normally i didnt care for them but now that im actually growing one ive realised how easy it is to grow one and if you get a good pheno its worth it. This Afghan Kush Ryder that im growing is starting to get covered in trichomes, and reeks of rotten fruits and like dank baby puke or something funky, ahahah i love it tho, definetly something to at least try man. Good luck

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
my last grow were "Early Wonder Skunk" auto-flowers, but I would not use them again for an indoor grow.....but they may have advantages for outdoor plants, especially those who have a limited growing months

These autos veg'ed extremely well and showed gender in about 4 my case the end product was big volume but low quality smoke.



Well-Known Member
^^^ thats a huge auto my Mr Sun. As for the original posters question- you are gonna send almost the same time on either so why not have some good smoke to show for it even if you have to get a timer and cover up a light crack? for me- having grown both, its a no brainerer if you can do a non-auto but do see why someone may pick an auto given their circumstances.


Active Member
Autos are cool but u can get more from a regular plant.
I like auto's for the high CBD content. example high end plants= auto 15% THC, 5% CBD/ Normal plant 25%THC, 0.2%CBD. So I agree you can get more THC from a normal plant but IMO an auto is a better all-round plant atleast for me and my needs. Auto's are not the best choice for people that like sativas. R4 sucks, I'm waiting for the CBD strains to improve and be released. I hear they are on the way.


Well-Known Member
Learn how to grow regular seed and use photo periods to control the flowering. Autos have a purpose, but I think your time and experience should be spent where you will see the biggest bang.

Here is an auto I just harvested last week. Sub par on production and quality. Only advantage, it was a free seed and finishes fast.
