Auto-Flower problem


Hi, I am new to the community and new to growing.
For my first grow, I am trying the Nirvana Short Rider strain. I like the auto-flower characteristics and the small size fits my small grow box.
I have two short riders, first one is day 30 on 11th August. Second one is day 27 on 11th August.
Now here is the problem, both plants are not auto-flowering at all. What should I do? I have read on another forum, that most auto-flower strains, show their sex somewhere close to day 20.
I moved the oldest short rider into it's on grow box and adjusted the timer to give it a 12 hr sleep. So far it has had two nights at 12 hours no light. But still no signs of sex! How long is it going to take at sleeping at 12 hours a night? Is there anything else I can do??

Thanks heaps for any help aye, I am getting very anxious, impatient and worried.

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Growing Medium: Soil
Growing Style: CFL
Watering/Feeding Frequency: When required, nutes every second water at half packet strength
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): too technical for me
PH Levels: 6.5
Temperature/Humidity Levels: 28 degrees, 35% humidity
Air Flow/Fans etc.: 4 x 80mm pc fans in a pc case.
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): 6 x 20w CFLs
Total Wattage: 120w
Growth Stage: day 30 from germinated seed in soil.
Plants Age: 30 days
Cannabis Strain: Nirvana Short Rider



Well-Known Member
ya man nirvana has big problem's with there autos ....they dont auto .... switch your lights to 12/12 for rest of grow ..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
CRAP!!!!! I wrote out a nice detailed long response for you and then hit reply to thread and lost it.

basically it is this. You seem very detailed. But when they speak of 20 days, they are talking about from rooted clones. Clones are mature as soon as they are cut. You most likely grew these from seeds, which means they have 2-3 weeks to hit mature age. So add 2-3 weeks to that 20 days. Also people like to embelish on what they do, so their 20 days might in fact be 24-28 days. Plus you are new to growing. This all has to be figured into this also.

Side Note: I do not grow Auto Flower plants. To me it is like screwing a blow up doll. It just is not the same as the real thing. But just because I feel this way, does not mean that others can not enjoy this stuff.

Good luck on your harvest.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt say they are crap, my NL autos are flowering and began doing so around day 23, some take longer, up to 35 days..what company did you purchase them from? there was a time when the strains were a bit unstable. I would'nt be worried about it by any means tho, just because it is'nt autoflowering on its own does'nt mean its no longer good. Your still going to have a good harvest if not better.


Well-Known Member
Auto flowering is not best suited to beginners imo, needs a perfect grow or really reduced yeilds. Peace


Well-Known Member
If you make a mistake or get a deficiency you cant just veg it a little more, any stunting and it will just flower small, usefull for a small grow but not to practise on for a first grow as yeilds will inevitablly be small due to x amount of mistakes. I'd rather top, lst and prune a normal plant to keep her small and veg and flower in the same amount of time. I wonder wether the 24 hour lights in flowering help to push yeilds up. Peace


New Member
Hi, I am new to the community and new to growing.
For my first grow, I am trying the Nirvana Short Rider strain. I like the auto-flower characteristics and the small size fits my small grow box.
I have two short riders, first one is day 30 on 11th August. Second one is day 27 on 11th August.
Now here is the problem, both plants are not auto-flowering at all. What should I do? I have read on another forum, that most auto-flower strains, show their sex somewhere close to day 20.
I moved the oldest short rider into it's on grow box and adjusted the timer to give it a 12 hr sleep. So far it has had two nights at 12 hours no light. But still no signs of sex! How long is it going to take at sleeping at 12 hours a night? Is there anything else I can do??

Thanks heaps for any help aye, I am getting very anxious, impatient and worried.

Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Growing Medium: Soil
Growing Style: CFL
Watering/Feeding Frequency: When required, nutes every second water at half packet strength
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): too technical for me
PH Levels: 6.5
Temperature/Humidity Levels: 28 degrees, 35% humidity
Air Flow/Fans etc.: 4 x 80mm pc fans in a pc case.
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): 6 x 20w CFLs
Total Wattage: 120w
Growth Stage: day 30 from germinated seed in soil.
Plants Age: 30 days
Cannabis Strain: Nirvana Short Rider

I had the same problem with mine... put them in dirt june 9th had to switch to 12/12 after almost 4 weeks.


Hi Shady Stoner, thanks for your input! Mate, I got one question for you, I would love to hear your answer... Once you switched the light cycle to 12/12, how long did it take to show signs of sex???
Thanks mate!


Well-Known Member
All autos aren't shit. Anything from short stuff, besides their super cali haze, which was a fail, are the tits. Sweet seeds also has kick ass auto strains. You're the umpteenth person I've heard of getting autos that didn't auto from Nirvana


Well-Known Member
All autos aren't shit. Anything from short stuff, besides their super cali haze, which was a fail, are the tits. Sweet seeds also has kick ass auto strains. You're the umpteenth person I've heard of getting autos that didn't auto from Nirvana
short stuff is good when they grow but i had nothing but problems with there assassin ,never had any problems with any other seeds just theirs ,dwarfs, non sprouts, males , !!!!!!i will never order them again
green house ,big buddha, sweet seeds ,dinafem are some of the better auto breeders .!!!
people who say auto's arnt good dont know what they are talking about , maybe years ago with original strain like low ryders but not now .. i do both kinds reg, and auto's and the autos are just as good .


New Member
Hi Shady Stoner, thanks for your input! Mate, I got one question for you, I would love to hear your answer... Once you switched the light cycle to 12/12, how long did it take to show signs of sex???
Thanks mate!
The males dropped balls long before the females did I'd have to say about 7-10 days for the males to show and closer to two weeks for the females to start flowering. Although they didn't auto I still like the strain, they are pretty healthy and strong seeing I f'ed a few times with nutes and not watering them on time.

Got some fat buds forming now I'll post some pics for you tonight


New Member
All autos aren't shit. Anything from short stuff, besides their super cali haze, which was a fail, are the tits. Sweet seeds also has kick ass auto strains. You're the umpteenth person I've heard of getting autos that didn't auto from Nirvana
We know this....

Why do people feel the need to continue beating a dead horse?


Well-Known Member
dump the autos and get a regular strain
we re-iterating ourselves because people like to shit on autos. They do work, every now and then I will get a limp dick 14g midget plant - that is a bummer. I've also had 80g monsters that went from seed to 80g of bud in about 80 days, a gram a day man. Phenos are just that, but if you're doing it right with quality auto strains you should get about 1.5 oz or greater average yield.


After all the effort and risk importing seeds, not too mention over 4 weeks of growing now, there is no way in hell I am ripping these out and starting again with non-auto strains LOL.
so... it can take longer than two weeks to show sex, even after switching lights to 12/12???? sounds weird??


Well-Known Member
Seems like autos arent as stable as they should be yet, didnt feminised seeds start out with similar problems as well? Peace