Auto flowerin

Cpt Jack

Hi guys, now im not really new to growing but i am new to this site and also these little beauties that auto flower. Im planning on running a batch alongside my main jack girls and iv done my homework on everything i need to know. the only thing i cannot seem to find is reference to anybody growin these little buggers with hydro or aero. Everyone seems to be using soil mixes. Has anyone done these in hydro as thats what i was planning or will it really make no difference in soil to time growing and yeild. Anyone with any experience of hydro auto's please step up ))

Illegal Smile

I just grew White Dwarf auto in hydro and am starting another grow of it because I still have seeds. The quality is great but the plants are small as is yield. And the short seed to harvest time they advertise often doesn't pan out. I'm not going to do autoflower again for those reasons, but it is a good place for a beginner to start.

Cpt Jack

yea i heard they were only worth about an oz a piece when finished, jus thought id try a few crazy crosses out and they seem quite effortless. can i pick your brain m8? just quickly what spells did you give newts as i was thinkin of 2 weeks with nothing/very weak start newt followed by 2 weeks veg followed by 4 weeks bloom then flush til finish. i realise there might be slight variation say if it goes into flower really early i may have to start bloom earlier etc, but im after any info that i can use as a startin block with these lows