Auto flowering soil and stuff.


New Member
Im about to venture on a growing journey with Autoseed's Berry Ryder. The seeds are germinating as in my closet right now. However, I would like a little profession insight from all the growing aficionados who are willing to share their expertise with a modest grower like myself :neutral:. So, without further a due, lets get to the meat and potatoes of my little inquiry.
Inside a 32"x32" grow my little babes will lay, While soaking in the rays of my 250watt HPS light. From what i have gathered autos aren't too found of a excess of nutrients, so I decided to go with a mix of 1/2 of fox farm light warrior, 1/4th of perlite, and another 4th of peat moss. Along with my nutrient sparse potting mix, Im going to water them with straight water for the first 2 weeks. After, I am going to lightly introduce a assortment of fox farm nutrients (Grow big, big bloom, etc.). I have also decided to keep the plants on a 18/6 cycle. From what i hear the autoflowering family has no need to switch from veg to flower, so I'm going to keep them on this cycle for the length of their lives. Finally, my pots are going to be a volume of 3 gallons each which I will plant the seeds directly into, so that tap root can go as deep as it pleases without stunting growth.
with all this being said, I will love to be the subject of your opinions. Say whatever you will about my plans, and please offer insight where it is needed. I LOVE YOU, STAY HIGH MY FRIENDS!