Auto hindu kush Vs. Wonder woman (3Month time frame)

I am starting my first grow. In the next week or so (soon as seeds arrive) i ordered Auto hindu Kush and Nirvanas Wonder woman.
I was planning to grow both this summer one after the other but i just found out today that my family will be spending some time with me the first week of June so i have to have my grow fished by then.
Meaning ill only get time for one grow this summer (3 Months) :(.
So i'm trying to figure out which would give me better yields and smoke in my time frame.
5 Wonder Woman (WW) Vegged 20/4 for a week then Switched to 12/12.
10 Auto Hindu Kush (AHK) On there normal 24hr lights?

Im also considering Starting both WW and AHK under 24hr's for a few weeks and then switching them all over to 12/12.
Would this be a waste of my AHK which is supposed to be grown on a 20/4 light schedule ?
Any Thought's would be helpful...
Thank you.