Auto mazar


New Member
Hey guys starting my first indoor grow. Going to try auto mazar seeds for over the winter here in ny. Anyone have any inexperience with this strain? What soil can I use inside that won't come with bugs? I have a 4x4 tent so I was thinking 5 seeds in 5 gallon bags. Thoughts? Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys starting my first indoor grow. Going to try auto mazar seeds for over the winter here in ny. Anyone have any inexperience with this strain? What soil can I use inside that won't come with bugs? I have a 4x4 tent so I was thinking 5 seeds in 5 gallon bags. Thoughts? Thanks guys.
Just look at the ingredients
If it's something like this stay away
Contains: peat, perlite, bugs


Well-Known Member
Whatever bagged mix you buy - add some Neem meal . Mix well in container / bag.

This is a good soil amendment anyways but has protective properties against soil borne pest , like god damn fungus gnats and other root chomping bugs.

Look up Down to Earth brand … most good nurseries should carry that line.