Auto rotating plants

I'm building a 3' x 3' x 8' grow box and wondered if setting my plants on an automatic rotating lazy Susan would be a good idea. I have all the stuff to build one and with a potentiometer I could set it to turn about one rev per hour or whatever. Since I'll have a vertical 2' T5 in each corner I thought this would be an easy way to expose them to the light from every angle. The overhead light will be this 240W LED (I paid less for it) and I'm thinking to also install this 600W HPS beside the LED.

Does the Lazy Susan sound like a good idea, or a waste of time?

Bump, and now I have another question anyway. I have 4 (soon to be 3 I'm afraid) seedlings about a couple weeks old. they are currently in organic Miracle Grow which I now see doesn't have much of a rep amongst many growers. Some do like it but most don't at least from my reading. I didn't know to put Purlite in the bottom either (didn't even know what it was) so it's just the potting soil and I've read that that's an easy way to kill my girls with too much water.

So here's my question: Will my plants get potentially too stressed if I convert them from soil grow to DWC? that's what I'm considering. If I do it, this would void my first question but I'm not dead set on that anyway if the DWC might be a better option for me.

one thing I just don't get though - why do plants get root rot form too much water in soil, but in hydro the roots stay wet all the time. I can only guess it's because in soil they can't get the amount of O2 they need to prevent rot?

Tim Rogers

auto rotating pots sound awesome because i'm pretty sure that i read somewhere that about 40 percent of bud comes from the sides and not necessarily right from the top and its a good idea to rotate them at least once a day so if they are rotating more than that i am sure you are getting more light where where you want it which would totally be getting u more bud. ive been thinking about using auto rotaing pots on a grow before and making them do corner turns once an hour every hour the light was on just by rigging them to a couple of old electric pottery wheels i had laying around that were made out of plastic but could totally hold the weight of a plant for sure. with a little help with a couple of 1 second interval timers made by stanly i have so whenever the timer would go off the wheel would spin for a second or two just long enof to do a corner turn. I unfortanitaly had to move so i never did build the box to put them in but im still thinking about it definitely.