Auto starting to flower and it’s so small

So I will get about a gram of flower. lol, I don't like autos. My first grow and I should have controlled the lighting more by keeping it inside. I have two autos about 7" tall 5 weeks old and started spring pistols today, but I have a grow light on them after sun down to get more light. zi have a pretty shady yard.
Are clones better since late in season. It would be like a head start? I transplanted one auto today. I mixed blood meal. Bone meal. A teaspoon of mag soil acidifier and earth worm castings in some old fox farm soil that had a small amount of coffee and rabbit poop. Too much?
They seem to be drinking a lot more. Why is soul drying g out much faster. I was scared to overwater but I think I was under watering. This is a full time job. Ibam constantly moving one plant to the sun all day and the others I have an LED light on them outdoors because of shade. Should I do 24 hours light?


Well-Known Member
You win some and you lose some. Wait and see what happens. It might stretch and be fine. It's not late in the season here in the England.
July is when you plant outdoors here. With auto's you can start in may though (may 15th when there will be no more frosts).
I would just stick them in a position where they get the most light in the garden and leave them there, if you haven't got to worry about neighbors that might grass you up for growing.
It's probably best not to chuck a bunch of different nutrient sources in the soil at once. Blood meal can be a bit 'hot'. But then I don't know how much you used; a little won't do any harm but a lot might make the soil to acidic.
Now they are flowering I would give them low nitrogen.
If it has been windy where you are, that can dry the soil out quite quickly, at least on the upper portion of the soil.
Non autos can be a lot more forgiving because you have a longer vegging period outdoors, unless you're around the equator with 12/12 naturally.
some people here in german grow forums say autos are harder 2 grow than feminized (1 error in flower stage plant is 10 cm and start blooming)...and they say people in usa just can grow auto low stress trained and topped half kilo plants indoor and outdoor becoose they have forgotten growing normal :eyesmoke:another problem is often are the strains that you prefer not beginner friendly and dont forgive errors...we as beginner just see the colorful package and names like gelato and think auto or the strain is easy becoose name etc... but they maybe harder to grow then other... they say
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