Auto-sub to thread


Well-Known Member

How about the ability to have a checkbox (by default unchecked) to sub to a thread if you reply to it?

That way, if you want to track a thread you're trying to help out on, you can just check a box to become subscribed right then and there.



Staff member
you can all you have to do is click the thread you wanna sub too go to thread tools which is on the top of the first post in the blue bar, click it than click "subscribe to thread" sdfsdfs.jpg
any thread you post in should auto sub and be in your "my rollitup" just click that if not read limes answer to put it to subbed


Weed Modifier

How about the ability to have a checkbox (by default unchecked) to sub to a thread if you reply to it?

That way, if you want to track a thread you're trying to help out on, you can just check a box to become subscribed right then and there.

My Rollitup, My Settings, chose General Settings scroll down to...

Default Thread Subscription Mode: When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.



Well-Known Member
Thanks all, specifically your little pointer there lime is exactly what I was looking for!




bud bootlegger
My Rollitup, My Settings, chose General Settings scroll down to...

Default Thread Subscription Mode: When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.

this is how i have mine set up and love it.. if nothing is happening on the new posts section, i go to my rollitup and can see all of my sub'ed threads..

the ones at the top are ones that have had recent activity, and the ones further down the list no one has posted in recently.. i must have pages and pages and pages of sub'ed threads by now, lol.. :D