Well-Known Member
....and I say this because I was told to LST my critical jack and I could get 50+ grams off of it. Ill be lucky to get 14 dried and cured (maybe a TAD more)! I was just under the impression I guess that lst'd autos turned into bushy BEAST that grow quickly. Ill give it THAT much, very easy grow, no light cycle changes and pretty much just stare at it and watch for deficiencies. Mine DID have some heat stress so that could easily attribute to the low yield but nonetheless I wouldn'y think it'd hurt it THAT bad considering it was taken care of immediately!
Just a topic I'm like others opinion on... Best yield for auto, to LST or to NOT LST? Side branching was only 4-5 for me and they look very skimp and WELL behind the ALMOST done "main" cola aka WHERE THAT BUNDLE OF POPCORN NUGS ARE! Lol, its got amazing crystals and everything... I guess over all its pretty much what I expected but to tell ppl that u can get potentially get 80 G's off a 45 day old plant from sprout just seems a bit exaggerated and bad marketing... Just my 2. What y'all thibk?
Here she is, today was her due date according to the distributor. Shes guna ATLEAST take another 2 weeks, at the LEAST!
Just a topic I'm like others opinion on... Best yield for auto, to LST or to NOT LST? Side branching was only 4-5 for me and they look very skimp and WELL behind the ALMOST done "main" cola aka WHERE THAT BUNDLE OF POPCORN NUGS ARE! Lol, its got amazing crystals and everything... I guess over all its pretty much what I expected but to tell ppl that u can get potentially get 80 G's off a 45 day old plant from sprout just seems a bit exaggerated and bad marketing... Just my 2. What y'all thibk?
Here she is, today was her due date according to the distributor. Shes guna ATLEAST take another 2 weeks, at the LEAST!