Autoflower CFL PC grow box question regarding soil...


New grower here,

I was wondering, if I do a 50-50 mix of Fox Farm ocean forest and Light warrior, will that be all the nutes I need for the entirety of my autoflower's life? I want to have a good harvest but I'm wary of overnuting my plant.

Also, will this soil mix be feasible? I've heard very mixed reviews of ocean forest lately, a lot of people have been saying FFOF has been burning seedlings, but as I'm new to growing and looking to buy a pre-mixed soil I have been lead to believe that this proposed 50-50 mix will be good.

If there is a fert I should add, if somebody could kindly inform me of the best nutes to add to autoflowers during flowering to produce the best yields, I would be most appreciative ;-)


Active Member
Have you started yet? Got seedlings popping up? I would stay away from pre-fertilized soil for the first few weeks if they are just sprouting. You can always transplant them later to that mix you talk about. Growing is not about the soil it's about the grower and how much care he invests into his crop. Maintain a journal.......... good luck. Show some pics when you can of your progress...


Active Member
Make your strain selection a priority. Buy feminized seeds, try Aurora Indica, easy to grow, great smoke.
I used Miracle grow moisture control being it was my first grow as well from my experience my new seedlings didnt burn cause u only need to use alittle bit of water at first but once they need bigger feedings if you have transplants and there is new soil and you go to feed say your 35 day old girl u just transplanted theres a risk of nute burn cause of the fresh nutes in soil.. good way to handle that is just flush your soil before you use it put it in a bucket and water just the soil with like 4 liters of water and let it run off in turn getting rid of that strong first dose of nutes.. also i think that nute burn is a small price to pay instead of having all sort of deficiencies because you have to add all your own nutes .. the NPK is easy but its the micro nutrients that are tricky and ph.

thats my quarter and two nickels anyways..