Autoflower grow, 4 strains...1-2 tents, LED and CFL


Ok so here's the first post in this auto grow that is already underway!
I am using a new small quictent 2x2x2 which is tiny, but should be just the right size for the size plants I am going for, I am after 12-18" autoflowers this grow..if anything gets over those marks and I don't have the room to LST them, then I have another tent for the taller girls :)

The taller/bigger tent is a GL-40 tent, which has a mounted 90 true watt LED which was made in the usa and works great,and also fills the tent with light perfectly...prolly the bigges't light you could put in the GL-40 if you were sticking with LED's is enough because I finished a grow few years back with it and got fairly nice harvest...

The strains are as follows:
1.Buddha Seeds Purple Kush auto
2.Fast Buds Girl scout cookies
3.Barney's Farm Little Cheese
4.Dinafem Critical +

All of the seeds have been planted, 4 of them are up already and are 2 days old...
One citical + and 1 purple kush did not sprout so I popped a few more into the soil this time instead of germed in paper towel...thinking it should work fine since the temps are nice and in mid 70's....
I planted 2 purple kush, 2 little cheese and 1 girl scout cookie and 1 critical + seed, planning on the GSC going to the bigger tent because I heard it likes to get tall so we will see....

Will be using a few different lights:
1. for vegitative growth using 4-23 watt 5000k cfl bulbs, 1600 lumens apiece for total of 6400 lumens..
2. for flowering I will use a 125 watt cfl/wing fixture thats 2700k and outputs 6500 lumens...
3. for the taller GL-40 I will be using a 90 watt ufo style LED light...

Heres a few pics!

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UPDATE!!! Day 8...
So we made it to day 8 lol, hey could be worse! :)
So as of yet everything seems to be running smoothly, seedlings all look healthy and no burn or color problems ect...
Temps stay right around the high 60's to low 70's depending on how warm it is that day,
The soil is fox farm ocean forest and I have never tried it straight before, thought I read it could burn baby's but so far so good...all the stuff listed on the bag of ocean forest sounded so good I couldn't pass it up!
Anyways, here's a few pics....

Also the other purple kush I threw in the soil sprouted and popped out of the can see the little baby in the "pk" pics lol..

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The bigger plant on bottom is the girl scout cookie, shes looking great and growing fat :)
here's few more pics:

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Also the "LC" aka little cheeses are growing awesome and fast...both are keeping right up with the girl scout cookies lol...they also both look allot alike..still need to label the GSC which I will in few days...only thing yet to pop out of soil is the critical +, and this is the 2nd out of 3 seeds that were freebies....


So wen't 3 whole days without checking on the girls and I was expecting some good growth when I finally saw them and sure enough I wasen't disapointed! :)
The only changes thus far is that the critical + is no longer on the roster for this grow log...I have tried growing 2 out of 3 and both seeds cracked and then died before they could grip the ground and even make it to the seedling stage... and since the other's are already on there way I figured we will just run this with the 5 I have going and we will go from there...

So as of now the 2 little cheeses still look like twins! lol...both are very healthy and are working on there 3rd set of leaves, the girl scout cookie is also about that same, but even fatter/wider leaves!
The 2 purple kush are coming along as well, one is just a little seedling ect and the other looks like its tring to catch up to the others but all in all, I am very happy with how everything is looking thus far!
Heres some pics, questions and comments welcome :)


Oh and if they look weird its because I slightly misted them before I took the pics....I don't do it very often but they seemed to enjoy the random misting last grow lol...


Active Member
Looking good. Just a heads up but 2 feet is really not enough room . I have a 4 foot tall tent I'm growing in and I have 2 auto going in it and I wish I had atleast another foot . They get taller than I thought they would


Thanks guys,
Ya I know 2 feet don't sound like much room and its not...but I used nice and small 6" pots because I plan on root bounding these in these pots and doing everything I can to keep them just under the lights once I put in my 125watt cfl/wing will actually give me allot more room then the hanging setup I have now lol...
Also I have a GL40 tent all setup and ready to go right beside this one with the led mounted in it so if any outgrow the little tent they can certainly be placed in the other :) Also I have had pretty good luck with lsting auto's in general..
Either way thanks for stopping by guys and thanks for your imput, much apreciated! :eyesmoke::bigjoint:


So here we are at day 13, as you can see the new growth is starting to show more and more now that the new leaves are using more light and gathering more energy...
Did some more watering today, usually every 2-3 days they need water because there little 6" round pots...
They are nice and green and look perfectly healthy from what I can see...
As of tonight the light has been about 8-10" from tops of seedlings and there still growing nice and sturdy, the fan is helping keeping constant cool fresh air on them 24/7...the one thing I have learned about growing is that moving air from a fan is very important and the plants love it!
The 2 little cheeses look like twins..
The girl scout cookie is doing awesome...shes the fattest for sure...

Purple kush's are doing great but a little behind, the bigger one looks a day or 2 behind the LC and GSC and the smallest purple is just working on its 2nd set of leaves now and looks healthy..

One of the little cheese already has a stink to it lol...all of the plants are working on branches now and 2 days ago they wernt so there moving right along :)
Here's some pics...



Ok so here we are at day 18 from seed for the biggest plants anyways, the smaller purple kush is actually starting to grow nice now but a good behind the other, which is fine

I still haven't seen any nute burn from the soil even though I have read that this fox farm soil can burn seedlings but these things are growing so strong and fast I think there root system can probably take whatever at this point...
I do have some of the new Mammoth Microbes on the way, I saw where they were shipping out samples for people to try so I figured now would be a great time since the plants would probably love something like that by now!

Anyways, oh and we are still using nothing more then a 2x2x2 tent right now, with (4) 23 watt cfl bulbs for lighting and they look this nice and healthy,thinking I may switch to LED or 125watt cfl bulb just to get more coverage cuz there pretty much getting 1 bulb per plant and although that is pretty much nothing I am still in shock they look this good with just that....
On to the pics!


So I was very happy the other day after checking on the lady's, I was hoping to see a few pre-flowers and sure enough there was a few visible on a couple plants,,,small but they were there! :)
Tomarrow I will check on them again hopefully and see how there making out, usually its every 2-3 days ect..
I took out the 4 bulb 23watter's that were in little tent even though they were doing a damn nice job and kept the girls healthy and happy..I needed more light coverage ect, so I put in the new 125watt cfl with wing reflector...the bulb is either 2100-2300-2700k...dont remember but it looks like it should work perfectly in the little tent...the light fits perfectly at the top of the tent in the 2x2x2 tent...
Anyways here's some pics,
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Here is the other tent set up for the girl scout cookie autoflower I am growing this grow, it apears like it wants to grow fast and the roots that were trying to come out of the bottom of pot were pure white and just perfectly healthy roots! So we decided to cute the bottom of the GSC pot out and place it on top of another pot ful of ocean forest and see if we cant get her to grow into the next pot as well...either way she has the 90 watt LED all to herself!
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Here's the little cheese's :)
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More of the little cheese's...
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Here's the purple kush auto's,
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The larges't purple kush had a hell of a growth spurt! In the last 2-3 days it has gone from smaller then most of the others to bigger then all of them is shear size! The leaves on this 4" tall purple kush are almost palm size lmao...its friggen weird!
Couple more pics, group pics ect...


Anyone have opinions on these strains?
Like if you have grown them before and you have a little info you would like to pass on I would love to hear it lol...again I know I am growing on a smaller scale but in the end im shooting for same as everyone...buds! :)
Thanks for any thoughts...opinions,help or kind words...