Autoflower height?


I'm growing a few different strains of autoflower plants but can't get them to grow bigger than 45cms......
Is that normal for the autoflower strain,?
Grow tent
24hr lighting
Any ideas?
Thanks folks....


Well-Known Member
24 hour lighting will limit stretch... If you want some stem growth give em some dark periods.
gawd im glad im running 24/0 if it keeps them short >.<

the tubs are 30" total in height 600w hps and 135w led 24/0

@ OP
if your having a problem with height i would start looking harder at your water and feeding habits ...... over feeding and over watering from what ive noticed are the major environmental factors that effect the size of the plant .... even underfed plants try to stretch if their roots are able to do the same ...... top is a reflection of the bottom ..... if youre not allowing the medium to dry up and watering to soon the roots will never try to fill the bottom of the pot since its water logged ..... nute burn stunts them too


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