Automatic strains - light during dark preiods? please help


Hi all, my question is... can automatic plants receive light during dark periods without effecting the flowering process?

Basically I've got three, 4 week old automatics in a conservatory that have been kept under 24hours of light. and 1 outdoor auto that was planted much earlier and is just starting to show some nice buds and is smelling delicious. however all 4 plants still have a way to go before they're ready for harvest and the bad weather is now starting to come in the UK.

My problem is the conservatory backs on too a kitchen so when it is dark outside, you will get light leek from the kitchen lights in the conservatory.

My question is..., if i bring the outdoor plant in to the conservatory to protect from weather, and stop giving the 3 young plants 24 hours light. If they receive light leeks from the kitchen or street lights or whatever... will this hermie them or disrupt/stop the flowering cycle in any way?

I'll post a couple of pics below...

thanks very much in advance. Sensi x

3 x Auto Seeds - Auto #1 (2 in 1 pot - 10 liter pots)

1 x Greenhouse Seeds - Kalashnikovia Automatic (currently outdoor & started flowering around 3 weeks ago. 25 liter pot)



Active Member
OK sensi,
As far as i know autos will flower in any light regime,so imo you shud be fine.
Ive grew kalishnikovas b4 and the seedbank says they can be flowered @ 12/12.
Nice plants uve got there pal.Nice smoke 2.
Good luck mate.


Thanks for the reply Robro, I brought the outdoor Kalashnikovia in tonight and stopped giving the 4 week old auto #1 24 hours. now they will only get daylight hours.

Smells great, cant wait to taste her. will keep ya posted :smile:


Active Member
No probs Sensi.
You asked about light leeks from the kitchen & street lights affecting the flowering cycle as they will be on during the dark period.
These lights would have been on thro the plants life,so they should be used to them.
But im not 100% on this one,so if any one else can thro some light on the subject,i will stand corrected.
Looking forward to smoke and yield report.


Ok so the biggest auto no.1 snapped at the bottom of the stem... I thought they we're really brital and weak!

Whats my best bet for trying to save this plant just take some tape to it and tape and stick her up followed by a nice drink of nutes? or chop it off dip it in rooting powder and try get her to root in a new pot? baring in mind all previous clones i've tried have failed horribly.

what a shitty downer on the day!. cheers sensi.


Ignore that, went back 10 mins later and she was completely dead. been pulled now guna have to order another seed to replace her. how fucking annoying!!!