Active Member
Ok so I have been hearing that if you use HPS or other high wattage bulbs that the electric company may notice the change in your wattage. I've been paranoid because people have been saying that they will notify the police and they will come and search your house. But I am also aware that you cannot get the same results from fluorescent bulbs. I would like to know if there is a way to NOT get caught with higher wattage or a way around it. Or if there is a website that states which cities and states the eletric companies do this is. PLEASE let me know if there is a way around this. I dont want to be 2 days away from harvest and a cop comes and knocks on my door. Noise and Smell is not an issue as I have 4 acres and lots of space. It will be indoor though, cuz Im afraid of helicopters detecting it. Thank you everyone for helping out.