Awesome jobs you would love to have?

Porn producer......

When I was young I wanted to be a Playboy photographer.
I think it would get boring pretty quick though.

Any job requires some brains and the ability to remember shit.

Stoner handyman would be fun.
Hey, and you could use your dick too.
Yea playboy would get lame fast...I would start off with regular porn and work my way toward hardcore scat..
In my 30's I always thought this job would be cool.
Get high and watch the train doesn't jump the tracks get paid great money.
But No, replaced with a computer.

One of Rockefeller's children or grandchildren.... I will take the eaten-by-headhunters risk.

The thing I like about it is that you can blow off all money needs and devote yourself to the furtherment of the arts and humanities. Money is kind of very boring.
connoisseur ganja greenhouse, hop yard, and vineyard proprietor, operator, and grower. that's what i'm shooting for at least job on the planet:
