AZ - Kushberry, Purple Kush and LA Confidential - 10/6 Start


Active Member
Hello Forum - this is my third grow and i thought i would document my anticipated success and certain minor failures.

A little background - i have been a medical marijuana patient since June of this year and have truly enjoyed the ability to legally use this medicine for the first time in my life. It really does help and is much better than prescription opiates!

Enough of that!

I just legally got my hands on some baby clones - Kushberry(2), Purple Kush(2) and LA Confidential(2)

I am doing soil using Fox Farms Ocean Forest in 3.5 gallon pots.

I am vegging 2 Kushberry, 1 LA and 1 Purple Kush in my 2x2 Tent under a 150W HPS complimented with a few flourecents - this tent is exhausted with a 4" inline fan.

I have 1 Purple kush and 1 LA vegging under 52W's of flourecent outside of the tent.

My plan is to veg these 6 plants for about 4 weeks, top them and begin LST.

At that point, I will bring them into my flower room aka - The Sanctuary of Grand Buddage which is powered by 1 600W HPS and 1 400WPS exhausted through a 6" inline fan into my attic and the entire 10x5 room is cooled by a window air conditioner.

Sounds like a solid plan right?

Things to note...i may have OVER ph downed my first watering - actually, i know i did.

Currently battling Fungas Gnats in my flower room - with my plants that are 4 weeks into flower - using 1/2" layer of sand (applied today) and vinegar to catch any of those assholes that thought it was a good day for a cruise around my room.

I will post photos soon. Hope you enjoy and I always welcome feedback/advice!

Thanks - j


Active Member
LA Confidential 1.jpgPurple Kush 2.jpgPurple Kush 1.jpgKushberry 2.jpgGroup Photo 1 - Oct 10th.jpgKushberry 1.jpgLA Confidential 2.jpg

OK here are some photos of our clones that were potted on 10/6. It looks like they have all taken pretty well, the two that are just under the CFL's (Purple Kush 2 and LA Confidential 2) are behind their sisters that are in the tent under both HPS and Flouros.

I added some Botanicare GROW to the spray bottle yesterday as a way to introduce some additional nitrogen at this stage without burning them.

I am going to do my best to keep this grow 100% organic right down to the solar panels we just had installed! :)


Active Member
thanks gentlemen - i will do my best to keep this grow well documented - please feel free to chime in with advice or suggestions - i apm still pretty new to this, with a LOT of mistakes still to make!


Active Member
KB2 Week 2.jpgPig Family Week 2.jpgPK2 Week 2.jpgPK Week 2.jpgTent Family Week 2.jpgLA2 Week 2.jpgLA Week 2.jpgKB Week 2.jpg

OK Team RIU - here are some photos at the end of Week 1.

I think they are looking pretty good, unfortunately there is going to be a little stretch b/c i only have one 150W HPS in the tent - I just need these guys to grow out for 3 more weeks and then right under the 600W and 400W HPS in the Grand Sanctuary of Buddage.

Yesterday i watered for the first time since Sunday and i added 1/4 GROW nutes from Botanicare - they seemed to take it pretty well, but we won't know for sure for a few days.

My temps in this room have been higher than ideal (~92-84), only b/c i am too cheap to turn on the AC. My flower room stays @ 77 and I am hoping that once this weather breaks those temps will come down significantly. Secondly i have read that higher temps really won't hurt you during veg - so again, we shall see as i test that theory out!

I love the little Kushberry's - cute little fuckers!

Rock on - j

kevin murphy

New Member
for sure its what im doin now...cali hash plant in a 75 litre pot vegged for 13 weeks fimmed topped lst supercropp and then 260,000 lumens for flower all organic soil mix made myself...


Well-Known Member
man ill i know is this: i accidently cut the top half of one of my master kush plants, and it grew into 4 HUUUUUUGE branches...very few side braning of thos emain 4, but those 4 are gonna be massive...think i Fimmed it without knowing it...
I am now adding some LST to it as well.... just tied down the 4 to the side of the pot they are in:) ill take a pic here in a sec:)


Well-Known Member
Here you go man.....i KNOW it looks sad as fuck, i forgot to water her last night..and fell asleep>.<
but you can clearly see the 4 HUGE braches..... i basically just fucked up and cut the top off it one day while trying to last it to the side of the pot.... and 4 grew in its place.

View attachment 1837703


Active Member
OK team - tomorrow is 3 weeks into veg for these little sluts.

Today i LST'd them by tying them down to the sides of their pots - they took it pretty well.

They did receive a full dose of organic grow nutes today as well.

I also removed the 150W HPS and replaced it with my air cooled 400W HPS.

They will probably have to veg longer than 4 weeks as the tallest one today was only 10" tall and the smallest one 6" or so.

Tomorrow i will post pics.

Rock on, be strong and stay good!


Active Member
LA Conf in front KBerry in Back.jpgTent Lovin 1.jpgKBerry.jpgLA Under Pig.jpgPKush Under Pig.jpg

OK Forum - here are the photos at the end of Week 3.

I LST'd all of them with the exception of the LA Confidential under the Pig (26W CFL) - it did not have enough vertical growth yet for it to make sense. What do you think, did it bend these bitches too much, not enough or just right?

They seem to have taken the nutes VERY well - very green with a lot of new growth. Temps in the tent range from 80-92, i suspect that will come down here in the next week or so. As i mentioned before my flower room is kept in the low 70's.

Speaking of my flower room (The Sanctuary of Grand Buddage) here are some photos of my next crop due for chopping the first week of November. The two in the back look great, the two in the front never really got going - almost like runts. These are under a 600W HPS. Genetics came from a series of high quality bag seed - just don't know which ones for sure (i learned a lesson) Let me know your thoughts.

11-1 Harvest 4.jpg11-1 Harvest 1.jpgWhats the Matter with this One - just a runt.jpg11-1 Harvest 3.jpg11-1 Harvest 2.jpg

kevin murphy

New Member
u can bend them so there leaning on the side of the top of try do half circle mate but other than thart there looking really good on..


Active Member
FYI - I have these on a 24/0 light schedule, however i have been turning off the HPS for about 8 hours at night when i am not pulling any solar power, but continuing to keep the flouros running.

Seems to be working ok, any input on this set-up?