az newspapers online COSTS


Active Member
I just posted this on another site for AZ readers
You now have to pay a subscription for reading their news. That being the Az Republic and the Flagstaff Daily News. I know this is an issue across the country. But I have to say. I will not be paying. Everywhere you turn someone is dinging a dime. I don't know what the solution is since the printed news has been in jeopardy for a long while. Our costs go up daily, our pay... not so much.

I know this is not marijuana related but is an issue for Arizonans
I just posted this on another site for AZ readers
You now have to pay a subscription for reading their news. That being the Az Republic and the Flagstaff Daily News. I know this is an issue across the country. But I have to say. I will not be paying. Everywhere you turn someone is dinging a dime. I don't know what the solution is since the printed news has been in jeopardy for a long while. Our costs go up daily, our pay... not so much.

I know this is not marijuana related but is an issue for Arizonans

Maybe it won't last. They tried that in El Paso and in Las Cruces and got laughed away. So free still. Servers cost and cost big when you include maintenance. Ad revenues should cover that.
I worked in the newspaper industry for 5 years. Most of the higher ups are dill holes. The industry will be gone in less then 10 years. I am so glad I jumped ship before the shit hit the fan.
I will spare you the Internet marketing ploy post. Don't pay a dime, those clown make money every time someone visits their site, a click is not even required.
The republic has some over the top Internet advertising fees I can assure you.... Not to mention where you ad is displayed is at the discretion of the admins... Total bs...
That's always been a shitty biased source of news with little in depth coverage. My roommate gets their shitty newspaper delivered it is super cheap because no one does it so they have to practically give it away. You can find the exact same free local news stories on of the local CBS or nbc affilliate. Actually one of those is running commercials critisizing azcentral for doing this. This is nothing new in america people will always try and ask for money and people have been paying for the news before the internet in the form of buying a newspaper.
I thought it was hilarious when the AZ Republic announced their subscription service. It's like 10/month for online access. I don't know who these clowns think they are. I get online access to the the New York Times for like 7/month and at least there I get some compelling journalism. There's nothing that compelling about the AZ Central reporting that would warrant anyone IMHO to pay for there content. There is know way that paid subscribers are going to make up for their online ad revenue loss once people stop hitting there site on a daily basis for news. There are plenty of other sources for daily news around az that are free.
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when i noticed the little pop up that said i could read 19 more articles this month for free, i laughed.

the repub got my money for a very long time before the interwebs were created by AlGore, i rarely look at the repugnant anymore.

although i keep getting kicked off for comments that offend the more effeminate readers. :)

they say i need to contact them but fuck them, i just sign up with another email address.
when i noticed the little pop up that said i could read 19 more articles this month for free, i laughed.

the repub got my money for a very long time before the interwebs were created by AlGore, i rarely look at the repugnant anymore.

although i keep getting kicked off for comments that offend the more effeminate readers. :)

they say i need to contact them but fuck them, i just sign up with another email address.
I like your sensibilities. At least someone else calls the paper by its name. The repugnant.