Babies in need of help!!


Active Member
My babies are in trouble.

grow space- 18" x 18" cabinet(with mylar)
light- two fluorescent bulbs
air circulation-one fan
air temp- about 80f degrees
ph- about 6.6

I just started using nutes with 20% N after i noticed the plants weren't doin so hot.

Sorry about the blurry pics, my digital camera is a piece of shit. Anyway the problem is that two of six have started to wilt slightly. One has flat out died.

Thanks sooo much for help.



Well-Known Member

Congrats on the new kids. Sometimes we love them too much.

Well lets see, You don't need the fan. its way to big for them. what you need in a 18x18 inch cabinet is ventilation, cut two holes and mount a computer fan or something. That large fan in a small box isn't helping.

I think they are to young for nutrients. Seedlings have a couple weeks worth of nutrients stored up when they sprout. The reason they are stretching is because they need more light.

I would say Lower your light so it dries the soil faster cut the holes, then water your seedlings, don't feed them for another week or two. "one flat out died" well lots of things can cause that but most common is over/under watering, let the soil dry some between waterings but not totally dry. look into "dampening off" for other reasons.

Good luck Man.


Active Member
So... I've given it a couple of days to see if anything has changed. Unfortunately the plants have picked up and then shot down for the worst. They have become crispy and somewhat brown.

I am wondering if it could be the heat? 80 degrees is hot but I wouldn't think deadly. The other thing is my girlfriend insisted on those tiny pots not bigger than 2" wide and long. Please any reason to change something for hope would be great. Thanks:???::???::???:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Its been a few days since your post so I don't know if I am too late or not. 2 inch pots are worthless in a soil grow. they are used in hydroponics.

Using 100% potting soil is not good either, too many nutrients for a seedling. A seedling has enough stored nutrients to last a couple weeks.

At this point I think I am too late. If you give it another go and have problems what fixes just about everything is to flush out the nutrients wait for 24 hours and start with half. go with that for at least a week.

Good luck.