Babies r yellow


Active Member
Help, my babies are about 2 1/2 weeks old now, still in seedling soil (black gold) and are turning a very scary yellow and the lower leaves are starting to droop. Others have told me it is from over watering, if so how should i correct this. Ive already begun watering less, im getting ready to transplant them in a last ditch effort. Already posted a similar thread, but i reposted this because i really need some fast help!

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
looks like it could be a lot of things. from my experience i would make sure my PH is stable. for me the most important care giving tech. i use it taking critical care of my ph, if your ph is off then your whole grow will be off, sometimes starting over is what needs to be done. not only should you ph your water before you water, but also ph the runoff of the water. i cant get at it enough that proper ph is sooooo important to the plants.

if overwatering is your problem check out this link man

for me, the best way to judge weather a plant needs watered or not is to let them dry out till they start to wilt a little, water one of them until you get some runoff (test the runoff) and then weigh the pots out in your hands. you will then get the feel for a plant that needs watered (in that size pot) and what a plant feels like when its just been watered. after that you can then figure out how much water you need to give them, and how long it takes for the plant to use up that water, remember as the plant grows it will use more and more water, but it is a very gradual thing.

for me the rule of thumb is 1qt of water per 1gallon of soil- depending on the size of the plants ill need to water once every week/week and a half. 1cup of water per 1 16oz solo cup depending on the size of the plants once every 3 days. (if you start in 16oz solo cups be prepared to transplant after 10-14 days. the smaller the container the more often you will need to water. the smaller the container the sooner you will need to transplant (in order to keep your plant at 100% giving their roots room to grow is so important!)

i loved my babies to death my first try, sometimes you just gotta take your losses and start anew. good luck bro, if you need any help let me know

if money is a problem, try these
very accurate for being as cheap as they are.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
black gold = compost right? you been giving them any nutes latley?
good idea man, your soil could also have nutes already in it, which is why i mix my own soil so i dont have any nutrients in there that i dont want, gives you more controll over how your plants grow in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
what kind of water r u using? I ask this because u could have an overage of chlorine in ur water, OR if u r not using tap water, they may need a little (chlorine). Does ur soil have nutrients in it?


Active Member
i just transplanted them into bigger containers, one of them had the roots wraped around the soil so im asuming it was ready to trasplant. Will post pics later


Well-Known Member
so bottled water. I would suggest u start watering them with ur tap water. I have a sneaking suspicion ur little guy has a chlorine deficiency. Tap water as well provides a lot of micronutrients the plants need. Always fill up ur bottle like the night before, so a good portion of the chlorine will be able to dissipate before watering, but it will still have some in it of course.