Baby still suffering. looking worse as the hours go by


I could really use some help here making sure my baby holds on to her life. I had noticed some yellowing of the cup leaves yesterday, and now one has almost completely wilted while the other is yellowing fast and the two large fan leaves are closing. Please help me out here. I have given no nutes and am only using a 150 watt cfl so im guessing deficiancy? if i feed with some jacks and transplant after she feeds with this fix my problem?


Yeah like said already they are 2 young for nutes.All they need right now is water,air and light.Try to keep the soil moist.It looks dry from the pic.


I have been watering according to the weight of my "Jiffy pot" I have a second with just soil for comparrison. I may be letting her get too dry, but I want her to stretch for that water. I will make sure she stays damp from now on though. I have been watering at least once a day though, as the starter home is obviously very small and doesnt retain much water.


also. the "cup" leaves if you will are wilting and drying up. I have been told this is normal and they quite usually die and fall off. Any truth to this? or is my baby really in danger here? I dont see any problems with the fan leaves and the next two seem to be coming in slowly but surely which is what is keeping me from completely freaking here.Can anyone tell me deffinitively whether this isa problem or not?


Active Member
your plant wont stretch for water. Your plant will stretch for light. Come on man this is basic stuff. yes and the larger your plant gets the more the smaller bottom leaves will die


Well-Known Member
could be fugus gnats, they lay their eggs in the soil and larva eat her roots, very very bad for seedlings espeacially


better not be any sort of weird bugs. I think shes doing ok though, I was just worried about the browning and death of the leaves. Everybody says this is natural, so I will let nature take its course and continue to take notes on her and read all I can to better her life.
Also I realize that there is no way in telling its even a female yet, we are just using the power of thought to will it so. :)


Active Member
Once its on it 2nd or 3rd leaf set i say just transplant it in a 8" dia pot with some peat moss and potting soil and leave it in there from tht point on and depending on how long you want to veg for depends on weither or not ull have to transplant it once more.Keep it the soil wet. If the tops dry each day give it water..ull be able to tell how much water it can take on if u get a pot with one of those holes on the bottom...once tht fills its enough water...just some food for thought for ya...Good Luck

Dr Lg

Active Member
looks like the soil is a little dry.. keep a pan underneath it and fill it with water so it can suck it up but not too often or the roots won't get enough oxygen. Also keep lights as close as possible without getting burnt.