Bacteria, yellowing of leaves, and smell


Active Member
So it appears like one and possibly two of my three plants are suffering from nitrogen deficiency. The leaves on top of my largest plant are turning yellow and curling up and dying. The other plant just has leaves that are yellowing. They are 6.5 weeks into flowering. All three are Hindu Kush grown from clones. I use a dual tray ebb and flow system with a universal reservoir. In the past couple weeks I have been mixing in pure unprocessed sugar to stimulate photosynthesis. However lately I have been getting a layer of bubbles on top of the water in the reservoir, and today when my pumps came on there is a horrible smell (literally smells like I took a dump in the closet). I would assume these bubbles and smell are from bacteria that is forming from the use of sugar. Is there any anti-bacterial compounds that I can use to solve this problem? I have a vented hood running 400w HPS at the moment with tempered glass preventing heat from burning the plants. Temps get to a max of 75 at the moment. The bud is extremely crystally and have a bunch of hairs. I plan on going to radio shack in a day or two to get a scope to check trichromes, but I highly doubt that they are ready. To smell the bud you have to stick your nose really close. However to be honest the bud is some of the great looking stuff I have seen in a while.

so any ideas on what I might be able to do to solve my problems would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well, I can suggest the obvious,
Flush and clean out the filter on the pump, wipe down the res and start again

It is about time the lower leaves turn yellow so that's natural but the upper leaves usually remain mostly green.

By lowering your ph you plant will be able to absorb more nutrients. that may help.

Your at 6.5 right? What I would do is clean it up, stop with the sweeter Cut nutrient solution in half, Ph at 5.5
Run that for a week then if trichs are cloudy flush. Changing water every two days and harvest when ppms are
under 75 or three changes.

I know what it is like to have killer looking bud that snap crackles and pops when you smoke it. Not to mention your lungs.

Make sure you shit is clean man and enjoy.
