Bad luck or bad technique?


Active Member
All of my plants are male!

I had chosen the 5 best growing seedlings. Was that a mistake?

They started to bloom within a couple of days of switching to 12/12.

Any factors that could have caused this?



Well-Known Member
Things like high heat and low humidity are supposed to influence males more, but i think its just bad luck


Well-Known Member
I think you definetely shouldn't have thinned your herd until you knew which ones where male or female...
Going with the healthiest, most vigorous plants is fine if your going from clone, because you know the sex already. From seed, as you've found out, the biggest, most vigorous plants usually are male....

sorry that only a bunch of dudes showed up at your party...:mrgreen:
Better luck next time:joint:



Well-Known Member
I think you definetely shouldn't have thinned your herd until you knew which ones where male or female...
Going with the healthiest, most vigorous plants is fine if your going from clone, because you know the sex already. From seed, as you've found out, the biggest, most vigorous plants usually are male....

sorry that only a bunch of dudes showed up at your party...:mrgreen:
Better luck next time:joint:

very well said, fiender, take note, boro, be nice to the smaller guys next time and youll be rewarded..


Active Member
Ok. That is what I suspected. My best plant (huge compared to the others) has so many buds and the pollen is dropping off now - a very nice yellow. The others are showing the same kind of buds. It will be weak, but it will all have to go up in smoke. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are male!

I had chosen the 5 best growing seedlings. Was that a mistake?

They started to bloom within a couple of days of switching to 12/12.

Any factors that could have caused this?

Cannabis growing differs sightly from conventional vegetable gardening. In veg gardening you plant many seeds and thin out the weaker ones early on the life of the plants. With cannabis, we wait to cull the males when they appear.

Technically, there is no thinning to be done with cannabis because all plants should be considered female until they prove you wrong. Then you cull the males as they appear. Males showing sex soon after application of 12/12 is normal.

In my mind, your only mistake was confusing veg gardening and cannabis growing. You thinned. However, you learned a good lesson about waiting for the plants to show you they need culling.

This is a very good thread by the way. It's the kind of questions I like to see in that it gives plenty of information within context of the question and shows a basic understanding of growing. +rep.

Good luck and good growing.
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Active Member
Thanks, but it is still progress as my other attempts in the previous century never even made it to the serious vegetative stage.

I experimented with soils and lighting and even put them outdoors on sunny days when I was home and could get away with it (untill the biggest one was too tall to hide). A lot of effort but you live and learn. My first term paper in college was no where as good as my second and I hope to make the appropriate adjustments here as well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but it is still progress as my other attempts in the previous century never even made it to the serious vegetative stage.

I experimented with soils and lighting and even put them outdoors on sunny days when I was home and could get away with it (untill the biggest one was too tall to hide). A lot of effort but you live and learn. My first term paper in college was no where as good as my second and I hope to make the appropriate adjustments here as well.
youre on the right track man, keep growing and best of luck with your next endeavours..