bad or good idea to top?


What's up guys, my plant is 8 weeks old, its about 2 ft. So I've been reading a lot on topping plants. However I read on some places that is better to top when its about a foot big? So is it too big to top? Or can i still do it without worrying about the plant having a bad reaction? Also if I top the plant will it stop it from growing taller?


Well-Known Member
Kinda late to be topping outdoors. Can you pull it over, & tie it down? That would be better it this time



Active Member
i would lst it but u can top as long as u are in veg,i topped my plant at 15" for the 2nd time,your plant will still get taller just not for a week r 2 after top.i would LST if u dont want it to get taller