Bah Humbug

fuck this holiday season. Fuck it in its stupid ass. I look forward to Christmas all year, only to get blindsided by a series of unfortunate events that has tapped me out financially. Turns out, holidays suck when you're broke.
just a thought second hand stores usually have lots of cheap fake trees..i know its not the same as real...but ..just a thought
would love to help you out :( im sorry youre going through all this lately
just a thought second hand stores usually have lots of cheap fake trees..i know its not the same as real...but ..just a thought
would love to help you out :( im sorry youre going through all this lately
thanks. Shit happens, just wish it didn't happen around the holidays.
thanks. Shit happens, just wish it didn't happen around the holidays.
it always seems to be like that mate..

im sorry for the loss you endured. ... we are also a bit bah humbug, although not on the same level ours is purely financial we were suddenly informed by immigration we must have 1500$ sent to them within 20 days...
like its christmas.
That's fucked
this process has not at all be fun, they dont tell you anything at all one minute you send in money + paperwork ...than you hear back 3 months later being like 1500 BY MONDAY.

and youre like...uh ok thanks?
this process has not at all be fun, they dont tell you anything at all one minute you send in money + paperwork ...than you hear back 3 months later being like 1500 BY MONDAY.

and youre like...uh ok thanks?
i hate the US government
i hate the US government
they have some interesting yes no questions on the paperwork i had to fill out

"have you been a prostitute in the last 10 years?" lol
"do you plan to overthrow the us government"
"have you ever been apart of guerrilla warfare"
my personal favourite "do you plan to silence anyone due to their religious beliefs "
That sux, Meta. I've always felt bad for people who experience tragedy during the holidaze, as each subsequent holiday season must trigger the awful memories. Seems it would take a long time to separate the two emotionally. Hang in there, bro. Darkest before the Dawn, and all that...
That sux, Meta. I've always felt bad for people who experience tragedy during the holidaze, as each subsequent holiday season must trigger the awful memories. Seems it would take a long time to separate the two emotionally. Hang in there, bro. Darkest before the Dawn, and all that...

A guy down the road from me hung himself at halloween. His mother found him in the barn.
How the hell do you even dare to open your eyes at that time of year now, when all you can see is gravestones and animated corpses? Poor woman.

@Metasynth, Please accept my most sincere Bah Humbuggery from across the pond.
fuck this holiday season. Fuck it in its stupid ass. I look forward to Christmas all year, only to get blindsided by a series of unfortunate events that has tapped me out financially. Turns out, holidays suck when you're broke.
Feel bad for you Meta... but it's not so bad. Try to find the bright side of it by concentrating on what the holidays are really about.

To quote Gang of Four, "to hell with poverty... we'll get drunk on cheap wine"

thanks. Shit happens, just wish it didn't happen around the holidays.
Agreed shit always happens around the holidays for me as well between Oct and Dec I hide lol. I have lost a finger been severly burned (3rd 2nd and 1sr) eye issues etc it's crazy . I have also matured some. So I shop all year for christmas. Keep things in attic. I am finished Christmas shopping for all the nieces nephews my own kids etc. I spent. A total of 376 at wally world like 3 weeks ago and have so much shit dude its dumb at what I get for kids. I try to buy 2 gifts a month and put away so when Christmas comes I am not.killing.myself trying to get happen
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It's the whole culture we live in now m@n. They make you think to be happy you have to spend a lot of money and go into seasonal debt for people to prove you care about them. It's fucked. I'm tapped out too from saving for vacation. But we got air in our lungs and shoes on our feet. That's more than a lot of people.