Baking soda film


Well-Known Member
So I sprayed a water, milk, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda mix onto a few plants because I saw a little wpm, I wiped it off and then lightly misted but there seems to be a white film in spots on the plants I'm assuming it's just left over baking soda from the evaporation. Will these spots affect anything?



Well-Known Member
Sure, especially if you put it right back under the lights after you sprayed them.
Milk really...? If you have " a little wpm" a little peroxide in water should clean that up.
If you continue to have that problem you can look into a product called Green Cure, that also fights pm.


Well-Known Member
Milk is just used as a base material to act as a fungal fighting wall, sort of like the mixes that call for organic dish soap, baking soda I believe works the same way.the mix works I've used it before, I just put to much baking soda in after a bongsmilie not being as precise as I should and didn't know if the film was a big deal. Never seen any affect from the mix before if sprayed on during lights.


Well-Known Member
spraying neem oil on your plant

now will clean the leaves

and offer good mold and bug protection