Baking Soda with water, PH up

I am looking to increase the PH of my soil, the soil I got is from Biobizz and it's their Light mix soil, however on their bag it says the PH is 6.4, that's not good enough for me because in about a month of or so of feeding that's going to drop into the acid range.

So I was looking around for cheap options to increase my PH, and I came accross something that said Baking Soda will increase PH, I was thinking of ways in which I could make it so that the whole soil would get a PH boost, then I thought of mixing it with water, my questions are would this work?, also would it be very harmful to my plants?

Is there any other better method that you've used that's worked better?, I read on here about somebody using a Hydroponic PH up for his plants in soil and it worked, if that's true then I might consider trying that myself.


Well-Known Member
I use bakin soda to bring up my ph. No problems. Earth juice makes an organic ph up and ph down. I use their ph down (crystal one no the liquid)


Well-Known Member
Don't add too much as baking soda works very well. Dolomite would no doubt be your better bet in soil