Banana Confirmation please


New Member
Hello, this is my first grow. I got feminized GSC seeds from ILGM. I’m on my last few weeks of bloom; maybe 3 weeks before harvest. Today, I found what I believe to be a banana under a bud site. I clipped it and hoping that all is well for a good seedless harvest. I might have stressed the plant with late pruning. Can you all confirm and tell if I got it early enough? Any other signs I should look out for?


Well-Known Member
Hello, this is my first grow. I got feminized GSC seeds from ILGM. I’m on my last few weeks of bloom; maybe 3 weeks before harvest. Today, I found what I believe to be a banana under a bud site. I clipped it and hoping that all is well for a good seedless harvest. I might have stressed the plant with late pruning. Can you all confirm and tell if I got it early enough? Any other signs I should look out for?
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Check male box. You got male. Chit happens.