Barely any taproot


Active Member
I’ve been germinating now for like 4 days and this is the only bit of tap root thats been showing for the last 2 days.
should I just plant it like this or what?
I feel like this has been happening with all of my seeds.


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Yea I had it on top of my Xbox inside of a cabinet. Nice and warm.
Dude i told ya ps4 better germ rates.
Sounds like your overheating your seed. If your area isnt clean you also get bacteria and fungus that can kill a seedling quick. I bet if you pushed on that shell itll mush meaning the seed is long dead. They dont just not grow unless something is wrong
Whatever method you are using with your xbox is clearly not working so why are you doing it over and over again? You know the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results?
Next time try a wii or maybe ps4 or heck ps5 prob much better.
Or you can just go buy a heating mat for 20bucks and a controller for 15
Btw do you use your old shoes as pots? Lol wtf
Sounds like the seed thought she had perfect conditions to sprout but when she poked her head out said "hell nah turn back".
Next time drop the seed in a shot glass of clean water with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Let it soak 24 hours then plant whether it's showing a taproot or not. I have > 99% success rate with this method. The peroxide isn't a must if you dont have any, it just helps soften the shell quicker.
Next time drop the seed in a shot glass of clean water with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Let it soak 24 hours then plant whether it's showing a taproot or not. I have > 99% success rate with this method. The peroxide isn't a must if you dont have any, it just helps soften the shell quicker.
I did soak it for a bit prior as well. I think I’m just going to go with your method to be honest. Now that I’m in soil with this seed, should I put it under my LEDs with my other plants or no?
It doesn't require light to germinate, only after sprout. It also will do no harm to germinate in soil with a light on.